Ghosts Are They Real??

God is a just a poor excuse to explain what we do not understand. The caveman did not understand the stars so he though they were Gods. As science explained away more and more unknowns "God" looks less and less relevent.

The last great unknown is what happens after we die. We fear what we do not know/understand and its very convinient to just beleive in fairytails of God and heaven and hell to explain what happens after life.
God may or may not be true, but I do believe in Karma, and I do believe in, for a lack of better word 'Ghost', as I do with ESP.

Why? They do have scientific backing.

Our brains emit radio waves. Ever thought or mental process causes a sort of energy radiation from our brains, which can be measured, and are constantly vary (How and why they vary we don't know).

Now, at the same time, it's been proven that our brains are receptive to radio waves and energy from outside of us.

The theory is, experiences like ESP, mind reading, fore-telling the future in dreams, and deja-vu is due to our brain receiving radio waves from our surroundings, and our sub-concious processing them.

Also, by scientific research, it has been shown that energy can, in a sense, 'pass through time'. There was this complicated physics theory I read about in a book by Hawking - I borrowed it from a friend, so I can't exactly quote it now, but am going off what I remember. The essence was that a quark or something has an identical 'twin' of sorts. Each sub-atomic particle has an identical pair particle that rotates and acts in the opposite direction to it, such that if you rotate said particle in one direction, it's pair gets automatically rotated in the other direction at the same instant.

Maths managed to prove that this is real, however, practically, it was difficult to prove. They did, I think, manage to prove this, but realised that the math means that this can apply to two pair particles that are like a million lightyears away from each other. But how does that work, considering that energy will have to be transferred from one to another in order to cause the other particle to rotate?

Enter a theory about energy being able to travel, in a sense, through time.

Add this to the 'Infinite dimensions' theory which states that there are tiny, sub-atomic size portals to different dimensions opening and closing all the time in our surroundings, and for all we know 'Ghosts' and 'ESP' and all that could just be some very, very complicated science involving energy transfer, radiation, and time travel.

After all, Mirages and those lights in the sky seemed so strange until they were revealed to be some complicated scientific phenomenon, maybe deja-vu and ghosts are similar but just far more complicated?
God has sent many of his messengers from time to time to make people realize his presence....

like Respected Nooh,Respected Moses,Respected Jesus,Respected Mohammad etc.

nabeel3494 added 1 Minutes and 22 Seconds later...

God is a just a poor excuse to explain what we do not understand. The caveman did not understand the stars so he though they were Gods. As science explained away more and more unknowns "God" looks less and less relevent.

The last great unknown is what happens after we die. We fear what we do not know/understand and its very convinient to just beleive in fairytails of God and heaven and hell to explain what happens after life.

God has sent many messengers from time to time to make people realize His presence...
God has sent many of his messengers from time to time to make people realize his presence....

like Respected Nooh,Respected Moses,Respected Jesus,Respected Mohammad etc.


Yes who can ever forget the great Nooh and his struggle :sarcasm

Just saying something does not make it true mate, you were brainwashed as a child, its hard to let go. Religion can be like mercury teeth filing, people had them drilled in as children when they did not know better, but once they are older and know better, its time to drill them out of your head.
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Just to add on to my above posts - I believe Karma and 'The Secret' (Which involves you dreaming and thinking and sending out thoughts into the universe about what you want to get it) both work. The latter works with some psychological effects (As you subconsciously start acting towards the goal), but they both work in the sense that you send out your thoughts and goals in the from of radio waves and energy into the universe, which in turn leads to these thoughts and goals being rebounded around the globe and around other people's thoughts, causing more than one person to, subconsciously, work towards that goal for you. Atleast that's my theory. It helps explain how when you just learn a new word you suddenly hear or see it used, or how when you keep telling yourself something will happen it does happen (Although that could also be partially due to placebo effect).

And also regarding God not being scientifically proven - well, it hasn't been dis-proven either. Infact, the real reason the theory of God still exists is because scientists just cannot figure out:

a) How the Big Bang occurred
b) What the universe was before the Big Bang.

Something had to cause the big bang, it couldn't have suddenly erupted out of nothing, so what caused it? Similarly, if everything we know and all the matter and particles and energy in the universe originated due to the big bang, what was there before?

Answer these, and you've disproved God.
I wish all a lovely day.
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Well as you said, to each their own. That is how I feel, but for the sake of being civil and tolerant of others beliefs I will delete my post. I hope all my blashpemy does not affect our friendship. My apologies if I offended you.
If friendship is to break at the very first sign of disagreement then it has no value what so ever. :) I have nothing but respect for your point of view, I only encourage the same!
If friendship is to break at the very first sign of disagreement then it has no value what so ever. :) I have nothing but respect for your point of view, I only encourage the same!

Ha ha! Thats more like it! :)

You seem to have an endless supply of "visual aids" for every occassion. Where do you pick them all up, pardon my phrase?
Hate it how people always go on about God, and how those who don't believe it always really lay into it. I'm agnostic, I believe in something (you could call it God) and a heaven. That's my belief. For all I care, someone could believe that Bobby the Kangaroo is the second coming and worship him. As long as it doesn't directly negatively have an impact on me I'm fine with it and am not going to knock it. However posts like this about God/religion really grate me as it is always the anti-religious people who go on about it and they then hypocritically moan about the religious nuts:

God is a just a poor excuse to explain what we do not understand.

Just saying something does not make it true mate, you were brainwashed as a child, its hard to let go. Religion can be like mercury teeth filing, people had them drilled in as children when they did not know better, but once they are older and know better, its time to drill them out of your head.

Human's are very arrogant, that's why God was created.

Anyway, just my two cents on the issue, just think people need to be more open minded, religious and non religious.

Regarding the topic. Yeah, I believe in ghosts but that is because my old house was haunted. No one will believe me, but I don't mind lol as I know what I saw, heard and smelt :)

Anyway, I'm off to the pub, screw debating on Saturday nights :p

Delete me delete me

You can delete your own messages, you realise?
@ dutchad -I usually just google image search. I have always wondered too where people get these frame style pictures with the Large text and a funny punchline. I just find them on google, but it would be nice to know if there is a large database of them somewhere

Hmarka added 2 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...

For all I care, someone could believe that Bobby the Kangaroo is the second coming and worship him. As long as it doesn't directly negatively have an impact on me I'm fine with it and am not going to knock it.

I dont see too many atheists/agnostics flying air planes into buildings for science.

I agree, live and let live, but most religious extremists do not share this viewpoint.
There will always be the minority who give the majority a bad name. Some football hooligans go and beat up the Sikh who runs the local shop cause he is Indian. Does that make all football fans racist thugs?

Making opinions about the majority because of a few nutters is very narrow-minded

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