Good movies to watch in a sleepover?


International Coach
Oct 29, 2010
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Suggest some good movies to watch in a sleepover.

Would prefer movies like Ted and Grand Masti. :D :p
Despicable me 2, heat if you like comedy.
Twilight series, notting hill, pretty woman, sweet home Alabama if romance.
Captain Philips, White House down, Olympus has fallen, pacific rim if action.
Now you see me, gravity, world war z, quarantine 2 if adventure.
Conjuring, the phone if horror.
No vacancy 1&2, wrong turn series, no where to hide for misc thrillers.

LOL, these are no specific order. They are just the ones which I was watching for last 1 month or so over Netflix/amazon & theatre.
Movies like Grand Masti and Ted :P I totally get that

I would suggest -

Anchorman (classic)
Horrible Bosses (howlarious)
Superbad :P
Wedding Crashers
40yr old Virgin
Airplane (its old but an aboslute classic)

I could go on .. but i think this is enough
Wes Anderson movies are always good:

The Life Aquatic
The Royal Tenenbaums
The Darjeeling Limited
Fantastic Mr Fox
Moonrise Kingdom

Studio Ghibli usually goes well too.


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