Help Plz, 2011 game crashes


School Cricketer
Jul 13, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Im at 2011 with Kent, and when I press continue it crashes to my desktop. I have just finished the season. Has anyone else encountered this problem. Who do i Email to send my save file to?

Thanks in advance for any help
loggy said:
Im at 2011 with Kent, and when I press continue it crashes to my desktop. I have just finished the season. Has anyone else encountered this problem. Who do i Email to send my save file to?

Thanks in advance for any help
Although I haven't reached that far but post your save match file here, I'll look into that..
Yeah i could also have a look at it just post your save file
Just curious, is there anyway one can fix a corrupted save file? If so is it worth giving it a shot or too long a process?
Found this in a similar thread
FreddieFan said:
IF it works with other save files, the problm might be with that. Test something else, and if it works send your file in to Childish Things and they may be able to fix it for you.
they dont fix the files... ive sent one off got an email back like 2 weeks later asking wot the problem was... and yet my other saves were fine.. then nvr heard from them again... they are too busy with the new games...
everythings fine now thanks, I sent the file off to childishthings and a day later i got the file back and it is all fixed, so problem over.
Nice the problem is solved.But in future if someone gets a similar problem then they can send their saved games files at this email address:[email protected]

Hope it's useful to everybody.
i have now had the same crash problem with two seperate game saves both crash at the end of the 2019 season. Not 2011, but they are both world cup years and the problem seems to be that although there are no fixtures left, hampshire (me) and surrey have only played 15 first class games, not 16
did u quit the england job at the begging of the year?? because apparently if u quit the england job at the beggingi of a world cup year then it crashes the game at the end of the year... yes it sounds random and not plausable but yea just passing on what ive heard...

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