hitting boundaries (without hitsix button)


School Cricketer
Apr 29, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Was playing the game on Normal or whatever the default is, and I find it hard to hit boundaries except when you shuffle across the stumps and play the ball of the hips it goes for 4 sometimes. Apart from that I cant seem to hit any boundaries, Ive practiced for a while in the nets and play them pretty solidly to players but cant seem to beat them.
Any tips? Thanks.
ok i personally found the nets to be useless i was hitting "ideal" zone all the time then went to play a game and got no where near hitting anything, my solution was to forget the nets and do a test match, though others say the nets helped them greatly and for them i think it was, i think it is a individual thing.

Tips that work for me..... (others may have different or more that suits them)

Yorkers and anything you think is a bit dodgy or your not sure on BLOCK even when your confidence is high still block those types of shots. I always use "S" block shot i have never had to use the "W" block shot.

Anything just outside or on off stump to a right hander i find the following works very well....."down arrow & right arrow held down" and press "S" just before ball hits bowling marker it may take you a couple of shots first off to get the exact timing down but believe me you will find it very easy after an over or two, this shot will then hit the ball through mid on and 90% of the time you will get a 4. it works very well for a new batsmen as the CPU does not put a mid on there at all until you have scored about 20-30 runs for that batsmen. so this shot will get your confidence meter up to about halfway before they will put a midon fielder there, after that happens you will need to play a mixture of front foot drives and mid on shots to get past them probability of that shot getting past would be about 50-70% now.

anything short and on your middle & leg stump you can "Leg Glance (UP arrow & RIGHT arrow & W) this will if timed correctly (remember just before ball hits bowling marker) get you 4 nearly all the time.

Once your confidence meter is up to say about 80% or more you can start playing all the other shots without too much diffulcuty remember you can still get out even if you time it perfect if you choose the wrong shot, only way to know what type of shot to play for any ball is through experience so just keep at it and you will be running up big totals in no time like me.

my 4th game just completed 1st innings 398 all out in just under 1 days play with top individual score of 99 before i got out to choosing wrong shot because i actually got nervous beleive it or not when he was on 99 LOL, oh well i will get it next innings i am sure of it.

*remember these are just tips that i found worked great for me but everyone is different and there is no right or wrong way plenty of other guys will have good tips that work for them too. my advice is too try a few different suggestions from people and see what suits you.

Anyhow hoped these tips from me will help you and GOOD LUCK!!! I know you can do it. :happy
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back foot legglance on a short ball played slightly late will run to the boundry

front foot coverdrive timed well breaks the field to the boundries

front foot square cut timed well smashes its way to the boundries
anything short and on your middle & leg stump you can "Leg Glance (UP arrow & RIGHT arrow & W) this will if timed correctly (remember just before ball hits bowling marker) get you 4 nearly all the time.

correction buddy what u mentioned is the hook or pull shot...the leg glance for short pitched balls will be RIGHT arrow & W ( for a RH batsmen )

ur tips are good bro but i would like to add to this is that placement is also very much important in this game...placement of ur batsmen that is...before every delivery move ur batsmen to the leg stump...this will give u enough space to hit ur shots without nicking it to the keeper or slips.

also what i have noticed is that when a batmens confidence meter is zero he is only capable of hiting the ball weakly and his shots are limited as the meter fills up more n more shots gets unlocked and ur timing automatically comes in place then everything again falls upon placement

so ther u have it :P
kymsheba said:
ok i personally found the nets to be useless i was hitting "ideal" zone all the time then went to play a game and got no where near hitting anything, my solution was to forget the nets and do a test match, though others say the nets helped them greatly and for them i think it was, i think it is a individual thing.

Tips that work for me..... (others may have different or more that suits them)

Yorkers and anything you think is a bit dodgy or your not sure on BLOCK even when your confidence is high still block those types of shots. I always use "S" block shot i have never had to use the "W" block shot.

Anything just outside or on off stump to a right hander i find the following works very well....."down arrow & right arrow held down" and press "S" just before ball hits bowling marker it may take you a couple of shots first off to get the exact timing down but believe me you will find it very easy after an over or two, this shot will then hit the ball through mid on and 90% of the time you will get a 4. it works very well for a new batsmen as the CPU does not put a mid on there at all until you have scored about 20-30 runs for that batsmen. so this shot will get your confidence meter up to about halfway before they will put a midon fielder there, after that happens you will need to play a mixture of front foot drives and mid on shots to get past them probability of that shot getting past would be about 50-70% now.

anything short and on your middle & leg stump you can "Leg Glance (UP arrow & RIGHT arrow & W) this will if timed correctly (remember just before ball hits bowling marker) get you 4 nearly all the time.

Once your confidence meter is up to say about 80% or more you can start playing all the other shots without too much diffulcuty remember you can still get out even if you time it perfect if you choose the wrong shot, only way to know what type of shot to play for any ball is through experience so just keep at it and you will be running up big totals in no time like me.

my 4th game just completed 1st innings 398 all out in just under 1 days play with top individual score of 99 before i got out to choosing wrong shot because i actually got nervous beleive it or not when he was on 99 LOL, oh well i will get it next innings i am sure of it.

*remember these are just tips that i found worked great for me but everyone is different and there is no right or wrong way plenty of other guys will have good tips that work for them too. my advice is too try a few different suggestions from people and see what suits you.

Anyhow hoped these tips from me will help you and GOOD LUCK!!! I know you can do it. :happy

Woah thats a pretty high run rate, cant be to much blocking going on there.
Well...maybe its just me, but playing on hard, I found the nets to help a lot. I had the cpu constantly bowl a particular type of delivery and I played it till I mastered the timing and type of shot. This helped me react quicker in real games.

When batting, I bat with my toe right on the leg stump. This helps me put away the balls pitched slightly outside the off stump with a cover drive. Be careful here as you could pop the ball if its a little short pitched. ( S+Down+left ). If confident, use power ( + shift )

Yorkers - I flick it to the leg side with S+left. This has always worked. Never got bowled or LBW. When I bat on middle stump, I get LBW or bowled, but not when on leg stump as the batsman shuffles just a bit to hit it.

Short pitch -- Hook it. W+Right
hammudy said:
correction buddy what u mentioned is the hook or pull shot...the leg glance for short pitched balls will be RIGHT arrow & W ( for a RH batsmen )

ur tips are good bro but i would like to add to this is that placement is also very much important in this game...placement of ur batsmen that is...before every delivery move ur batsmen to the leg stump...this will give u enough space to hit ur shots without nicking it to the keeper or slips.

also what i have noticed is that when a batmens confidence meter is zero he is only capable of hiting the ball weakly and his shots are limited as the meter fills up more n more shots gets unlocked and ur timing automatically comes in place then everything again falls upon placement

so ther u have it :P

Hi Hammudy,

yeah i messed up Leg Glance is "Right Arrow and W" sorry about that... and to think i re-read it 4 times to make sure it sounded ok LOL doh! :p

as for moving my player to leg stump each time i dont move mine at all and i dont get caught in slips much at all but i will try and do that from now on, thx for the tip will see how i go might be able to do better yippee!!!!

When my meter is 0 i can still hit boundaries you only have to time it well that is all i normally have 20 on the board in about 7-8 deliveries because there is never a mid on fielder so as long as your timing is ok (remember just before ball hit marker) it is fine.

but am gratefull for more insight to the game and will take your ideas on board and use them as you can never know enough, the more knowledge the more power and enjoyment. :D

there was a lot of blocking early but when i worked out the tip about midon and when to hit the ball i noticed i was gettting more attacking with every over, the more i learn from the guys on here the more i find this game to be enjoyable every one seems to have a good hint here and there its great.

I agree mate it is all down to the user i think i noticed some people say to use the nets some say to do a test match and learn that way. I tried the net for ages but no good for me, then i read someones post cant remember who but they suggested learn in an actual test as it worked better for him, and worked for me too. so i think this comes down to individual experience i think as i sucked big time doing net practice then trying real game who knows it might have been my mind playing tricks on me. :cheers

but its great how we can all give tips and improve everyones enjoyment of this game and when the modders work out the bugs it can only be better.... :clap
anytime mike...i read ur tips n ran to try them :D they worked no doubt...btw i wanted help in the replays...cant we hide the control bar which is in the bottom of the screen like we could in c2k4....i didnt bother reading the manual coz the manual according to me is of no help...it misleaded me in batting as they mention that u need to press the direction and the S or W button simultaneously
Just look for the gaps. In the first 15 overs of a one day game, or an agressive field in a first class one, a well timed sweep over the infield can do the trick. Also a dive down the ground.

By the way, how do you start a new thread? :help
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In 4 day matches i find it easy to score runs as there are hug gaps all around the place. However in Medium or Hard in a one day match i find it hard to pierce the ring and score a boundary (without the 6 hit button. I only rarely do it with a cover or straight drive and occaisonly the pull.
Any solutions?
By the way I already stand on leg stump and found it a great help.
oh and 1 more thing...i had mentioned about taking the leg stump guard before every delivery...i would like to add to it is that you should do that only for fast bowlers for spinners stay where the default batsmen is...its the easiest way to hit the ball in any direction u want...

btw has any one yet figured out the replay menu hide button for the PC version
Dunno bout some of you, but the Net session actually helped me. Realised that 'ideal' timing against seamers isn't difficult to achieve if you play the shot (the S or the W) the moment the seamer delivers the ball.

Yorkers aren't really difficult to negotiate...as groobz said, the back foot leg glance (Up + W) works like a charm...ends up going to the boundary pretty often really.

Another shot that works just perfect against the seamers to deliveries just short of good length on or outside the off-stump is the front foot sweep with the six-hit button. Ends up going over the ropes more often than not...and irrespective of your confidence meter. Give it a shot.
i think the suggestions above work well in test matches but its might hard to hit the ball through the gaps in ODIs. The offside play is very limited. I have had to score 90% o my runs through onside and thats not real. And how the hell you play a cut shot. When should i press the "W". Its awully hard. One more thing, have you guys noticed that CPU blocks so much in ODI (Medium Mode) that it can't even chase 150. That made me sick when even australia blocked 50 over with a very few agressive shots to make only 140 when they needed 177 to win. I though AI sucked.

EA 2005 could have been a gym of game with better offside play options and realistic fielding aspects. I must admit i like the look of the game but if the offside keeps alluding me i might get bored of this otherwise well made game.

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