How can i Play Cricket 2004 in my Pentium 3

You could also say that about bumping old threads- but he's browsing the forum now, maybe he'll reply
Either his PC broken down or he can't go on the forums for some reason or he's too lazy.
Either his PC broken down or he can't go on the forums for some reason or he's too lazy.
He's been on here since he posted this, I'll take option 3
Originally posted by Auwais BARTHEZ
Or he's to stupid to reply.

Haha. Are you a comedian mate?

...Still waiting for him to reply...

Continue the lyric:
Fatboy slim is...
Maybe his problem has been solved, else why would be browse a Cricket 2004 forum and not post here when you all are trying to help him ?
Well it would be nice of him to tell us if it has been solved.
He most likely forgot all about this thread after he got it working.

Therefore he doesnt care.

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