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Have we even played?

Edit: the gumzaat thing threw me there?
If you call a 4 off the last ball owned then yes.

barmyarmy added 2 Minutes and 47 Seconds later...

What was he practicing? He seemed to be trying to leg glance everything.

Last edited by RV...

RV is a one-trick pony.

Barmy - you can certainly call this one owned ...


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I swear, frankly, believe me, the speed in the practice mode is all that i want! It's so wonderful in the practice mode! Tremendous speed, no lag! I can hit six off almost every ball. Now i see how demolition is done! :D

Pleease, just try to get the speed that's in the practice mode, it's awesome!
I beat a lvl 11 today! Pretty pleased with myself.
Please do something about the movement of batsmen in the crease. I mean you bowl a short ball, and they just step away to leg and play a cut shot. :facepalm It put's all your hard work down the drain.
Starting to play this a lot less now with the lag. I'm a much better player without the lag. Getting on my nerves.
I started playing today. I noticed that LBW decisions can do with some improvement. For eg. the batsman was given out for a ball that had pitched well outside the legstump.
I'm online now and looking for a game. Team name is Zorax CC. Anyone interested?

Note - I'm not very good, and out of practice.
Lol. I made my account but yet to play. My ISP is so slow that the practice game doesn't load even after half an hour. :p
My suggestions to this new hozat update

I am not so happy with the new howzat update.
1. need to include bowling option in practice mode. My bowling sux especially when playing against teams that have batsmen on level 80-99. It is not fair.

2. the coin system: I don't buy stuff online a lot and majority of items need to be purchased to get good no of points. Cash must also be an option to unlock players and buy/sell etc. Everyone gets million dollar worth of cash and 50 gold coins and something valuable like buying a player who is amazing at batting/bowling requires 80 gold coins. Collecting good no of gold coins requires one to buy something so that takes out the "free" part" of this game and it is also unfair coz some people will buy watever to get 300-400 points but I can't.

3. Team is totally different now. Howzat was about customizing a dream team but it seems like we are given a team with less options. Cannot up the level of some players if I want to. If there is an option like that, I need to have gold coins to unlock them.

4. I don't get this recharge thingy. Previous format encourages one to play as much as possible and there is no stamina thing involved and I know where you guys are coming from when u thought of this recharge thingy. You want to make this game as realistic as possible but it could be at someone's expense.

I am really happy about the points I get regardless of the match result. It really encourages me to keep playing. I am a student of this howzat game and I think this is one of the awesome changes that has been made to the this game. I also love the fact you guys intolerate the quitters coz that is beyond annoying. This update shud avoid lot of quitting in between the match. This is what I think about the update. I hope you guys consider my suggestions coz it will be somewat painful if it goes like this. Thanx
at the least we should be able to buy more things with the cash, and what happened to our stats?
Can we level up our permanent players. I will really like some help on that. I can't seem to find a way to level up my players any more.

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