ICC 3 - very disappointing

sid the shark

School Cricketer
Jul 2, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
like many of you, i bought ICC 3 with the hope that the game's developers had made improvements to what was already a decent game.

sadly, in their desire to appeal to a new arcade audience they seem to have forgotten what made the game great in the first place - its gameplay.

i cannot understand why they spent so much time and effort on animations which are far from impressive and are riddled with glitches. yes, it may attract a new audience (although i sincerely doubt the playstation set will be blown away) but was it really worth it in the long run?

i actually prefer the old graphics which, while basic, at least gave you a good overview of what was going on and where the batsmen score their runs.

the new animations are tiresome after a while and give you little concept of where the ball is being hit.

why they didn't just add a bit more variety to the old graphics (ie. reverse sweeps, paddle sweeps, few more aerial drives) i don't know.

let's be honest, most die-hard icc fans would have rather had an improvement to the gameplay (for instance, make the twenty20 competition more realistic, sort out the mistakes in the database)

instead, we get mutton dressed as lamb. the only decent additions i can see is the lbw decisions, the ball tracker and the updated stats (which you'd expect anyway).

i took my copy back to the shop the next day and got a refund. i then got my old copy of 2006 working on windows vista.

it may not be perfect but at least it's International Cricket Captain as i know it.
some good points there but i personally think the new game is excatly the same, i rarly watched highlights anyway, just wickets or wickets and chances.
Except the graphics and hawkeye, the whole thing is poor . ICC 06 was much better than it :) after playing the demo i decided that i am not going to buy this game .This was the most usless edition of ICC so far .
I disagree with all of u all.
this game is far better than ICC 06.
I played the Demo only and I am waiting to get the full game.

The game play is good, I like the new and improve 3d graphic.
and Overall it's more Fun than 06.

When I play the Full game when i get it. II will tell u if i really like it or NOt, because playing for 1 day isn't enough since I win the World Cup with West Indies, which i can't do at all with 06. ;)
I disagree with all of u all.
this game is far better than ICC 06.
I played the Demo only and I am waiting to get the full game.

The game play is good, I like the new and improve 3d graphic.
and Overall it's more Fun than 06.

When I play the Full game when i get it. II will tell u if i really like it or NOt, because playing for 1 day isn't enough since I win the World Cup with West Indies, which i can't do at all with 06. ;)

I agree with you mate,its the best ICC game yet.
I disagree with all of u all.
this game is far better than ICC 06.
I played the Demo only and I am waiting to get the full game.

The game play is good, I like the new and improve 3d graphic.
and Overall it's more Fun than 06.

When I play the Full game when i get it. II will tell u if i really like it or NOt, because playing for 1 day isn't enough since I win the World Cup with West Indies, which i can't do at all with 06. ;)
I disagree, it's exactly the same but only with complicated & confusing 3D graphics. I'll probably end up getting it though.
to be honest i have never watched any highlights in any of the previous games and have not so far in this game (i already know what someone getting bowled looks like). the only reason i get this game is for the updated database.. but seemingly the australian database has been shortened to about 30 or 40 players from the last game.. disappointing.
I have to admit that I'm disappointed with the new version. Like others I don't watch the highlights. While some of the menus are nicer, many things are essentially identical to the first ever version of the game as far as I can remember. God knows how many years ago that version came out, but at the time I was unhappy with the small number of records that were held. With this new version and the things I'd read about it being more than just an update I had high expectations. I also expected something to happen with the budget and coach/physio sections. Again, they are completely unchanged.

I guess I will still play the game a little, although I think I'm now a convert to Cricket Coach. Side-by-side I think CC offers more to keep me interested in the long-term.
the menus are the only part i dont like lol, not the look of them, thats fine, but the face that the buttons slide in when you click on a player is quite frustrating
yea but for the last 7 years every game has benn THE SAME jsut update in roster
they finally make a really good nice change and you all complain they just want to make you happy and they amde me happy its awesome
I think it'll take a little while for the developers to make it perfect, maybe if they develop a patch or something thinks will hopefully start to improve
The game has taken a step backwards, the new replays are better but they have comprimised on what made this game so good, its vast number of players whether accurate or not have dissapered, the replays arent easy to follow in terms of figuring out where the batsmen is playing and Australia still suck... something which every other cricket game seems to get right but ICC always gets wrong. I think its just so the English fans who buy the game in a majority are happy seeing the unrealistic results of England winning the world cup and Australia missing the semis due to a defeat from Zimbabwe
I think its just so the English fans who buy the game in a majority are happy seeing the unrealistic results of England winning the world cup and Australia missing the semis due to a defeat from Zimbabwe

come on griffo, we have to get our jollys someware, you lot have this horrible habbit of winning.
we also have a terrible disease called TALENT! something which England clearly lacks :p
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The game is no worse than the last, has a better database, similar gameplay (which was fine from the start) and better graphics. How is it a disappointing game?

Other than that, it has a great addition in choosing your country in full game.

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