County Cricket Imperialism

Invasion 31
Our next invader is Surrey. They will be invading to the West.

That means they will be facing Hampshire in a huge match.

Hampshire XI (player team)
:usa: :ar: Ian Holland (UK passport)
:eng: :ar: Felix Organ
:eng: :bat: David Gower
:eng: :bat: Nick Gubbins
:eng: :bat: James Vince
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham
:eng: :wk: Ben Brown
:eng: :ar: Liam Dawson
:eng: :ar: Keith Barker
:eng: :bwl: Ollie Robinson
:eng: :bwl: Don Shepherd

(Dillon Pennington doesn't break into this playing XI)

Surrey XI
:eng: :bat: Rory Burns
:eng: :bat: Dom Sibley
:eng: :bat: Zak Crawley
:eng: :wkb: Ollie Pope
:eng: :wk: Ben Foakes
:eng: :wkb: Jamie Smith
:eng: :ar: Sam Curran
:eng: :ar: Tom Curran
:eng: :ar: Jamie Overton
:eng: :bwl: Jofra Archer
:eng: :bwl: Amar Virdi


Yep, Surrey were just too good. They take all of Hampshire's territory, and Ian Botham.

That might just have decided the whole game.

Invasion 32
Our next invaders are Essex. They invade to the North.

They take Norfolk and Stan Nicholls comes out of retirement.

Invasion 33
Our next invaders are Glamorgan. They invade to the North West (finally a sensible direction).

They take Herefordshire and Matt Maynard comes out of retirement.

And after all of that, the map looks like this:
Invasion 34
Our next invaders are Surrey and they will be invading to the North.

Following a second RNG, that means they will be facing Middlesex.

Middlesex XI (player team)
:eng: :bat: Mark Stoneman
:eng: :bat: Sam Robson
:eng: :bat: Max Holden
:eng: :ar: Denis Compton
:eng: :bat: Stevie Eskinazi
:eng: :wk: Sam Billings
:eng: :ar: Ryan Higgins
:eng: :ar: Luke Hollman
:eng: :bwl: Toby Roland-Jones
:eng: :bwl: Tom Helm
:ire: :bwl: Tim Murtagh

Surrey XI
:eng: :bat: Rory Burns
:eng: :bat: Dom Sibley
:eng: :bat: Zak Crawley
:eng: :wkb: Ollie Pope
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham
:eng: :wk: Ben Foakes
:eng: :wkb: Jamie Smith
:eng: :ar: Sam Curran
:eng: :ar: Tom Curran
:eng: :bwl: Jofra Archer
:eng: :bwl: Amar Virdi


Yeah, Surrey are too good for this opposition. They take Middlesex's territory as well as Denis Compton.

Invasion 35
Clearly buoyed by that outing, Surrey go out and invade to the West.

They take Cornwall unopposed, and Jack Hobbs comes out of retirement for the county.

With that, the map now looks like this:
Invasion 36
Our next invaders are Nottinghamshire, who have chosen to invade to the South.

After a quick extra RNG, we can confirm that they will face Warwickshire.

Warwickshire XI
:eng: :bat: Rob Yates
:eng: :ar: Will Rhodes
:eng: :wkb: Alex Davies
:eng: :bat: Sam Hain
:eng: :ar: Moeen Ali
:eng: :wk: Michael Burgess
:eng: :ar: Jacob Bethell
:eng: :ar: Ethan Brookes
:eng: :bwl: Henry Brookes
:eng: :bwl: Liam Norwell
:eng: :bwl: Oliver Hannon-Dalby

Nottinghamshire XI (player team)
:eng: :bat: Kim Barnett
:eng: :bat: Haseeb Hameed
:eng: :bat: Ben Duckett
:eng: :bat: Joe Clarke
:eng: :bat: Alex Hales
:eng: :ar: Samit Patel
:eng: :wk: Tom Moores
:eng: :ar: Liam Patterson-White
:eng: :bwl: Harold Larwood
:eng: :bwl: Stuart Broad
:eng: :bwl: Olly Stone


I even tried some declaration bowling from Duckett and Hameed, but absolutely nothing was going to force a result in this game.

The map is unchanged, and both teams lose the best player from each of their original squads: Moeen Ali (Warwickshire) and Stuart Broad (Nottinghamshire) are out of the game.

Invasion 37

Our next invaders are Glamorgan. They will invade to the West.

They take Carmarthenshire unopposed, and Robert Croft comes out of retirement.

Invasion 38
Our next invaders are Lancashire. They will invade to the North.

They take Westmorland unopposed, and Andrew Flintoff comes out of retirement.

Invasion 39
Our next invaders are Essex. They will invade to the West.

After a second RNG, they take Cambridgeshire unopposed, and Trevor Bailey comes out of retirement.

Invasion 40
Our next invaders are Glamorgan. They will invade to the North West.

They take Cardiganshire unopposed, and Simon Jones comes out of retirement.

Well, after 40 invasions, here is how the map looks:

And to help us keep track of where things are, here are the XIs that are left:
:eng: :bat: Alex Lees
:sco: :bat: Michael Jones
:eng: :ar: Scott Borthwick
:eng: :bat: Joe Root
:eng: :bat: Paul Collingwood
:eng: :ar: Ben Stokes
:eng: :wk: Ollie Robinson
:eng: :bwl: Brydon Carse
:eng: :bwl: Mark Wood
:eng: :bwl: Matty Potts
:eng: :bwl: Steve Harmison
:eng: :bat: Alastair Cook
:eng: :bat: Graham Gooch
:eng: :bat: Nick Browne
:eng: :bat: Tom Westley
:eng: :bat: Dan Lawrence
:eng: :ar: Trevor Bailey
:eng: :wk: Adam Rossington
:eng: :ar: Matt Critchley
:eng: :ar: Stan Nicholls
:eng: :bwl: Sam Cook
:eng: :bwl: Jamie Porter
:eng: :ar: David Lloyd
:ire: :bat: Eddie Byrom
:eng: :bat: Kiran Carlson
:eng: :bat: Sam Northeast
:eng: :wkb: Matt Maynard
:eng: :bat: Billy Root
:eng: :ar: Robert Croft
:eng: :ar: James Harris
:eng: :bwl: James Weighell
:ned: :bwl: Timm van der Gugten
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones
:eng: :bat: Keaton Jennings
:eng: :bat: Phil Salt
:eng: :bat: Josh Bohannon
:eng: :bat: Luke Wells
:eng: :ar: Liam Livingstone
:eng: :ar: Andrew Flintoff
:eng: :wk: Jos Buttler
:eng: :bwl: Luke Wood
:eng: :bwl: Jimmy Anderson
:eng: :bwl: Saqib Mahmood
:eng: :bwl: Matt Parkinson
:eng: :bat: Colin Milburn
:eng: :bat: Raman Subba Row
:saf: :wkb: Ricardo Vasconcelos (Portuguese passport)
:eng: :ar: Peter Willey
:eng: :ar: Luke Procter
:eng: :ar: David Willey
:eng: :ar: Vallance Jupp
:eng: :wk: Lewis McManus
:ita: :ar: Gareth Berg
:eng: :bwl: Frank Tyson
:eng: :bwl: Ben Sanderson
:eng: :bat: Kim Barnett
:eng: :bat: Haseeb Hameed
:eng: :bat: Ben Duckett
:eng: :bat: Joe Clarke
:eng: :bat: Alex Hales
:eng: :ar: Samit Patel
:eng: :wk: Tom Moores
:eng: :ar: Liam Patterson-White
:eng: :bwl: Harold Larwood
:eng: :bwl: Olly Stone
:eng: :bwl: Jake Ball
:eng: :bat: Jack Hobbs
:eng: :bat: Rory Burns
:eng: :ar: Denis Compton
:eng: :wkb: Ollie Pope
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham
:eng: :wk: Ben Foakes
:eng: :wkb: Jamie Smith
:eng: :ar: Sam Curran
:eng: :ar: Tom Curran
:eng: :bwl: Jofra Archer
:eng: :bwl: Amar Virdi
:eng: :bat: Rob Yates
:eng: :ar: Will Rhodes
:eng: :wkb: Alex Davies
:eng: :bat: Sam Hain
:eng: :bat: Dan Mousley
:eng: :wk: Michael Burgess
:eng: :ar: Jacob Bethell
:eng: :ar: Ethan Brookes
:eng: :bwl: Henry Brookes
:eng: :bwl: Liam Norwell
:eng: :bwl: Oliver Hannon-Dalby
:eng: :bat: Jake Libby
:eng: :bat: Ed Pollock
:eng: :bat: Adam Hose
:eng: :bat: Jack Haynes
:eng: :ar: Chris Woakes
:eng: :ar: Brett D'Oliveira
:eng: :wk: Gareth Roderick
:eng: :ar: Ed Barnard
:eng: :ar: Matty Waite
:eng: :bwl: Josh Tongue
:eng: :bwl: Charlie Morris

The next game will be Nottinghamshire (defending) vs Durham (invading), so that should be mouthwatering too.
Invasion 41
Our next invaders are Nottinghamshire, who are shooting North.

Durham XI (player team)
:eng: :bat: Alex Lees
:sco: :bat: Michael Jones
:eng: :ar: Scott Borthwick
:eng: :bat: Joe Root
:eng: :bat: Paul Collingwood
:eng: :ar: Ben Stokes
:eng: :wk: Ollie Robinson
:eng: :bwl: Brydon Carse
:eng: :bwl: Mark Wood
:eng: :bwl: Matty Potts
:eng: :bwl: Steve Harmison

Nottinghamshire XI
:eng: :bat: Kim Barnett
:eng: :bat: Haseeb Hameed
:eng: :bat: Ben Duckett
:eng: :bat: Joe Clarke
:eng: :bat: Alex Hales
:eng: :ar: Samit Patel
:eng: :wk: Tom Moores
:eng: :ar: Liam Patterson-White
:eng: :bwl: Harold Larwood
:eng: :bwl: Olly Stone
:eng: :bwl: Jake Ball


Well, that's not gone well for either team - but especially not for Durham. Both teams lose their best player left from their original squad: for Durham, that's Ben Stokes and for Notts that's Liam Patterson-White - the man who took seven wickets and scored 100 runs in the game, stonewalling the entire final session to salvage a draw.

The map doesn't change.

Invasion 42
Our next invaders are Surrey, heading North West. That's Glamorgan.

Glamorgan XI (player team)
:eng: :ar: David Lloyd
:ire: :bat: Eddie Byrom
:eng: :bat: Kiran Carlson
:eng: :bat: Sam Northeast
:eng: :wkb: Matt Maynard
:eng: :bat: Billy Root
:eng: :ar: Robert Croft
:eng: :ar: James Harris
:eng: :bwl: James Weighell
:ned: :bwl: Timm van der Gugten
:eng: :bwl: Simon Jones

Surrey XI
:eng: :bat: Jack Hobbs
:eng: :bat: Rory Burns
:eng: :ar: Denis Compton
:eng: :wkb: Ollie Pope
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham
:eng: :wk: Ben Foakes
:eng: :wkb: Jamie Smith
:eng: :ar: Sam Curran
:eng: :ar: Tom Curran
:eng: :bwl: Jofra Archer
:eng: :bwl: Amar Virdi


Well that was inevitable.

Surrey take all of Glamorgan's territories, and Matt Maynard.

Invasion 43
Our next invader is Northamptonshire. They will invade to the South.

That means Surrey.

Surrey XI
:eng: :bat: Jack Hobbs
:eng: :bat: Rory Burns
:eng: :ar: Denis Compton
:eng: :wkb: Ollie Pope
:eng: :wkb: Matt Maynard
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham
:eng: :wk: Ben Foakes
:eng: :ar: Sam Curran
:eng: :ar: Tom Curran
:eng: :bwl: Jofra Archer
:eng: :bwl: Amar Virdi

Northamptonshire XI (player team)
:eng: :bat: Colin Milburn
:eng: :bat: Raman Subba Row
:saf: :wkb: Ricardo Vasconcelos (Portuguese passport)
:eng: :ar: Peter Willey
:eng: :ar: Luke Procter
:eng: :ar: David Willey
:eng: :ar: Vallance Jupp
:eng: :wk: Lewis McManus
:ita: :ar: Gareth Berg
:eng: :bwl: Frank Tyson
:eng: :bwl: Ben Sanderson


Both teams live to fight another day, but they both suffer losses from their original squad: Northamptonshire lose Ricardo Vasconcelos; Surrey lose Sam Curran.

The map does not change.

Invasion 44
Our next invaders are Surrey again. They invade to the North West.

Surrey is so big that that takes another RNG to decide that they take Radnorshire without contest. That also means they encircle Brecknockshire, and claim it without contest too.

This means that both Ken Barrington and Jim Laker come out of retirement.

The Surrey XI now looks like this:
:eng: :bat: Jack Hobbs
:eng: :bat: Rory Burns
:eng: :bat: Ken Barrington
:eng: :ar: Denis Compton
:eng: :wkb: Ollie Pope
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham
:eng: :wk: Ben Foakes
:eng: :ar: Tom Curran
:eng: :ar: Jamie Overton
:eng: :bwl: Jofra Archer
:eng: :bwl: Jim Laker

Invasion 45
Our next invaders will be Worcestershire, who will be trying to invade Surrey (because they went West). But that's a matter for next time; for now, the map:
Invasion 45
Surrey vs Worcestershire, as mentioned above.

Surrey XI
:eng: :bat: Jack Hobbs
:eng: :bat: Rory Burns
:eng: :bat: Ken Barrington
:eng: :ar: Denis Compton
:eng: :wkb: Ollie Pope
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham
:eng: :wk: Ben Foakes
:eng: :ar: Tom Curran
:eng: :ar: Jamie Overton
:eng: :bwl: Jofra Archer
:eng: :bwl: Jim Laker

Worcestershire XI (player team)
:eng: :bat: Jake Libby
:eng: :bat: Ed Pollock
:eng: :bat: Adam Hose
:eng: :bat: Jack Haynes
:eng: :ar: Chris Woakes
:eng: :ar: Brett D'Oliveira
:eng: :wk: Gareth Roderick
:eng: :ar: Ed Barnard
:eng: :ar: Matty Waite
:eng: :bwl: Josh Tongue
:eng: :bwl: Charlie Morris

That was only ever going to go that way. The map is unchanged, and Surrey take Chris Woakes because they really needed another Test player.


Invasion 46
Clearly gluttons for punishment, Worcestershire are planning to do more invading. This time they head North.

They will be facing Nottinghamshire.

Nottinghamshire XI
:eng: :bat: Kim Barnett
:eng: :bat: Haseeb Hameed
:eng: :bat: Ben Duckett
:eng: :bat: Joe Clarke
:eng: :bat: Alex Hales
:eng: :ar: Samit Patel
:eng: :wk: Tom Moores
:eng: :ar: Lyndon James
:eng: :bwl: Harold Larwood
:eng: :bwl: Olly Stone
:eng: :bwl: Jake Ball

Worcestershire XI (player team)
:eng: :bat: Jake Libby
:eng: :bat: Ed Pollock
:eng: :bat: Adam Hose
:eng: :bat: Jack Haynes
:eng: :ar: Brett D'Oliveira
:eng: :wkb: Gareth Roderick
:eng: :ar: Ed Barnard
:eng: :wk: Ben Cox
:eng: :ar: Matty Waite
:eng: :bwl: Josh Tongue
:eng: :bwl: Charlie Morris

For a good while it looked like this could be a massive Worcestershire upset, but a massive partnership from Kim Barnett and Alex Hales turned things around against all the odds. And with that, Notts take Gareth Roderick. Map remains unchanged, and one hopes that Worcestershire don't try to invade anyone else for a hot minute.


Invasion 47
Instead, Northamptonshire are going to take another potshot against Surrey (they're headed South).

eans Surrey.

Surrey XI
:eng: :bat: Jack Hobbs
:eng: :bat: Rory Burns
:eng: :bat: Ken Barrington
:eng: :ar: Denis Compton
:eng: :wkb: Ollie Pope
:eng: :ar: Ian Botham
:eng: :wk: Ben Foakes
:eng: :ar: Chris Woakes
:eng: :ar: Tom Curran
:eng: :bwl: Jofra Archer
:eng: :bwl: Jim Laker

Northamptonshire XI (player team)
:eng: :bat: Colin Milburn
:eng: :bat: Raman Subba Row
:eng: :bat: Emilio Gay
:eng: :ar: Peter Willey
:eng: :ar: Luke Procter
:eng: :ar: David Willey
:eng: :ar: Vallance Jupp
:eng: :wk: Lewis McManus
:ita: :ar: Gareth Berg
:eng: :bwl: Frank Tyson
:eng: :bwl: Ben Sanderson

Yet another home team victory.


The map remains unchanged, and Surrey add Frank Tyson to their team.

Map still looks like this:

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