On Hold ICC Champions League | Round 1

Sign-Ups have been completed. These are the teams:

Liverpool CC - @Kaptaan
Mumbai Indians - @Ashutosh.
Hobart Hurricanes - @Sinister One
Lahore Lions - @CerealKiller
Wakanda Warriors - @Manish. @RUDI
Johannesburg Knights - @Akshay.
Royal Challengers Banglore - @PresidentEvil
Honey Badgers CC - @Naman Thakur @The Deadman

I've added Rudi as co-manager of Manish, since he asked for.

The next post will be of the Secret Auction. In the meantime I'm asking everyone to post their Homeground names.
Also if you guys have a player in mind that I've not listed in Player List. Let me know
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Secret Auction
Secret Auction (PM Auction) will be held in Private Messages. Managers will be PMing their bids for respective players via PM to me. I've PMed everyone.

Players Prices And Base Salaries:
OVR |Price (Per Season)|Salary
95+ | 8M | 800K
:purpo:90-94 | 4M | 400K
:blueo:85-89 | 2.5M | 250K
:redo:80-84 | 1.6M | 200K
:goldo:75-79 | 1.3M | 150K
:slvo:70-74 | 1M | 100K
:bro:60-69 | 600K | 50K

  • Managers will bid for player.
  • Minimum bid of a player should be at least its Price.
  • Managers will post the length of a Player's contract they want to give (1 to 3 seasons) with their respective bids.
  • Bid increment is 50K.
  • Every player's Price per season is fixed.
  • Manager with the highest bid on a player will get that player.
  • In case of a tie between bid amounts. Manager who bid the earliest will get that player.
  • You can send a player's bid as many time as you want given it's with in that round's time frame.
  • Next round will start as soon as previous round's deadline ends.
  • Managers who failed to submit their bid of a round within Deadline will not be allowed to bid for that round in any other round/s.
  • A team can have maximum of 1
    player and 3 :purpo:Purple player.
  • Managers who will be unable to sign at least 16 players in the Auction OR want to sign 17 or 18 players will bid in the optional Rounds (Starting from Round 6)
Rules for submitting the bid:

    • Secret bid will be sent to me by the managers through PM only.
    • The PM should contain the player's name along with it's bid and contract length. (Bids missing any of these will be rejected)
    • Manager has to send the PM for one round starting from round 1, there will be separate secret bids for each round.
    • Time limit of every round will be 24hrs.
Round Drafts
(Squad Rules Apply)
This Rule Applies In Every Round: (1
Legend player limit, 2 :purpo:Purple player limit and 3 :blueo:Blue player limit)

Round 1
Any 3 players

Round 2
Any 3 players

Round 3
Any 3 players

Round 4
Any 3 players

Round 5
Any 4 players

Round 6 (Optional)
Any 4 players

Round 7 (Optional)
Any 4 players

Round 8 (Optional)
Any 4 players

Note: If the situation requires certain rules may apply that necessarily aren't mentioned here.
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A lot of managers seems confused and I blame myself for that because I couldn't explain. I should've gone with more simpler secret auction rules.
Managers apparently bid on the Player's Price rather than it's Base Salary. So I have therefore stopped this Auction. I'll be revising the Auction rules and Budget and will come up with comparatively simpler Auction.
Secret Auction will be restarted. Wait for my next post that will include simpler rules.

@Kaptaan @Ashutosh. @Sinister One @CerealKiller @Manish. @RUDI @Akshay. @PresidentEvil @Naman Thakur @The Deadman

I have made a few changes in the league. Every thing remains the same.

  • Every team's budget is now 250M.
  • Players Prices (Per Season) and Salaries will remain fixed.
  • Check the Post above and Post #1 and Post #41
  • Managers will bid for any player and the bids from the managers will have to be at least the player's price. (See the template below)
Template For Bidding:
94 |:purpo:| :ind: :bat: Virat Kohli - 10M Bid - 2 Season Contract
(8M Price * 2 Years Contract + 10M Bid = 26M)
This means you'll be paying 26M for Virat Kohli to buy him for 2 Seasons. Moreover you'll be paying Virat Kohli's 800K (0.8M) Salary in every game.

Prices Chart:

OVR | Price (Per Season) | Salary
95+ | 8M | 800K
:purpo:90-94 | 4M | 400K
:blueo:85-89 | 2.5M | 250K
:redo:80-84 | 1.6M | 200K
:goldo:75-79 | 1.3M | 150K
:slvo:70-74 | 1M | 100K
:bro:60-69 | 600K | 50K
I hope I've made it clear this time.

Auction will restart again at 4:30 PM (IST) OR 4:00PM (PST) on 16th February (Tomorrow).

@Kaptaan @Ashutosh. @Sinister One @CerealKiller @Manish. @RUDI @Akshay. @PresidentEvil @Naman Thakur @The Deadman

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