Intel Chipset woes....



firstup, i've read thru all the concerned posts and do know that the game wont run on chipsets (by default). jus a warning, before an admin deletes this thread.

* someone suggested using "anti-crash". does it help?

* if a game like the sims can be tweaked to work on intel chipsets, can cricket 2004 aswell?

* "force raster..." - this surely is a mystery. like someone pointed out earlier, am able to 'listen' to the in-game music, intro video, yet the visuals fail to turn up. why is this, and can another feauture of 3dAnalyze be enabled alongwith it for visuals?

* last but not the least, aslong as intel cards support directX 8.1 and are 32MB+, then why on earth wont this game work?

all graphic gurus out there and members, it'll be appreciated if u can answer the above queries bcoz its jus frustrating to not be able to play the game after waiting for nearly 2 years.

* someone suggested using \"anti-crash\". does it help?

* \"force raster...\" - this surely is a mystery. like someone pointed out earlier, am able to 'listen' to the in-game music, intro video, yet the visuals fail to turn up. why is this, and can another feauture of 3dAnalyze be enabled alongwith it for visuals?

Programs such as these rarely work as they claim.

* if a game like the sims can be tweaked to work on intel chipsets, can cricket 2004 aswell?

It does not appear so.

* last but not the least, aslong as intel cards support directX 8.1 and are 32MB+, then why on earth wont this game work?

Because on-board graphics chips rarely support the advanced features of modern graphics cards.

To re-iterate what I have said before, the game is 100% compatible with intel chipsets, as long as you meet the minimum specification for the game. The box quite clearly states that your graphics must be a 32MB PCI or AGP card.
Just to add my two-penneth,

On-board graphics are nototriously cumbersome beasts, and do not adapt well to games, especially of the 3d variety.

Intel have also been well behind other display manufacturers in regards to many software/driver upgrades. OpenGL being a major flaw in many Intel display adapters because when I last checked they were still a version behind the times, when many games needed the updated version.

You can probably grab an AGP display adapter from e-bay for ?20 which would run cricket 2004 at a reasonable level.
The 82815 chipset on my laptop does hv 32 MB!

Some basic info: -



Geez, this is kinda weird...clueless as to why it wont work.

Cant fit an AGP card on a for sure! Stuck w/ the chipset unless I change the M-board.
ALL Intel chipsets are compatible with Cricket 2004, as long as you meet the mimimum specification, which states that you must have a 32MB PCI or AGP graphics card.
Sorry didn't realise that a laptop was in use...

A friend of mine had a laptop with an Intel Display Controller, and my other point about Intel being behind the times was were that stemmed from.

He couldn't play many games because the Intel Display only has OpenGL 1.3 and Intel have not updated to 1.4...Star Wars - Knights of the old Republic and any other game which needs OpenGL 1.4 will not run.

Hmmm...just trying to think of any alternative options...and I can't think of any, apart from buying a second hand mid-range PC for a couple a hundred quid....would suck big time spending a couple a hundred quid on a machine just to play a big-ridden cricket game. I guess it would help in other situations though.

Thanks for the links! They've been my second home ever since I got the game (been visiting it almost everyday) to chk for new drivers and updates. O wells...will wait and watch what EA does. Am sure tons of ppl hv already emailed them on this issue.

Dont think buying a new PC wud be an alternative....

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