International Cricket Captain 2014 online league


County Cricketer
Oct 26, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hello everyone,
A cricket captain 2014 ONLINE LEAGUE is about to start. Some of the details about the it :
1) There will a promotion/relegations system with 8 players in each division with 3 places for p/r.
2) It has a LEADERBOARD system which is will show the overall performance of any team in terms of points.
The points calculation will take into account your wins with respect to the importance of the tournament/league.
It will also include points for EVERY run u score or every wicket u take, a draw and even if u lose a game!
It will also show the total runs/wickets u earned in all of the matches and arrange them in ranking order.
Some of examples for points allotted :
a) Match win : 100 points.
(b) One run scored : total runs/100
(c) one wicket taken : tw/3.
(d) draw : 50 points and loss 25 points.

Winning a division/tournament gives additional points

The leaderboard ranking will also be used for seeding teams in SPECIAL TOURNAMENTS like World Cups. A certain no of top teams in leaderboards will autoqualify for the cups while others will have to go for qualifiers. Ofcourse, the points multipliers will be higher in these special cups
3) Fixtures will be planned for one season as a whole. At the end of season teams get promoted/relegated.

4) Furthur features will be added as we stabilise the leagues.
Participtans interested will have to join this group on facebook and write a comment on the participation post with the following details :

Your team name (once set cant be changed)
Your steam id
Available days when you are free to play in a week and the time
Group link :


Link to the leaderboards : (sample)
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