Is this a bug or what?


School Cricketer
Jan 12, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
I was playing a game today between Austrailia and Pakistan 50 overs match. The thing is, Austrailia(computer) kept throwing wides over wides. By the time my batting got to 20th over, Austrailia has already thrown 34 wides. Its like at least 2 wides an over. Is it for real what or is it just a bug? And is there a patch to fix it? Because I would rather have hard earned runs than scoring 200 myself and have them give me 100 wides.
Ver 7.0 is up guys we are testing it in a couple of online matches couple of us are playing. It wont be long before its up for release.
Less wides, smaller bowling cursor, harder to score boundries but lots of 1s and 2s available to run. Scoring anything over 300 consistently will hopefully be impossible. Less edges in ODIs but the test settings stays. Front foot shots made easy to play but the backfoot ones hard to play. Medium/Easy levels tweaked to ensure its fairly close to hard settings and not big difference between levels. Not easy to score sixes at all, you can hit over the infield but sixers are a rarity. I have a feeling this patch will simply stick for a long time to come barring few very subtle changes that we may not notice. The shots have all be redesigned to get better value for well timed shots but not much for badly timed shots.

sweet work ravi... when does this patch come out, can't wait for it. If it weren't for u guys, I don't know how we'all can even manage to play this game. EA should learn somethin' from u guys, keep it up!
Yep, I whole-heartily agree...we'll all chip in and but you a copy of Cricket 2006 when it comes out :) LOL
Now just think...if it wasn't for Cricket 2004 and its bugs Ravi would be wasting his time lazing in the sun with a nice cool beer/coke (depends on age), watching TV, catching up on his reading, going to the movies, doing other things that can't be printed really EA have keep him quiet and well-behaved.
LOL cant afford to sun bathe here in Wellington, we hardly get sun light here.
Originally posted by Iron-Haggis
Buy him a copy of Cricket 2006 so he can spend his time making up patches to fix that one too.

You have pretty much decided Cricket 2006 will come with bugs too;)
i find bowling really hard and i get slapped all ovr with patch 6.0, how will i fair with 7? and can you install it on my patched gob with kits n all installed?

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