Just got 623 with Brian Lara!!!


Club Cricketer
Apr 14, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hey guys, so last night, I scored 623 with Brian Lara, against England, on test level, in a Test Match. I have to say I'm pretty happy with myself.

Shiv Chanderpaul (opening up for the Windies) also scored 278, having a massive partnership with Lara, and the team total was a tick under 1200, when I declared with 8 down when Lara finally got out.

Considering this was my first double century, I'd have to say I pretty much took cricket to a new level! :D

I am waiting for the patch to play online more-I played my mates online over the weekend, and 3 out of 3 games froze up.

What is the highest score anyone has scored on Test level? Be honest, guys! After I passed 501, I started taking a lot of chances. And fatigue also becomes a factor, I noticed. Mine, I mean! :-)
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Roofrom50 said:
Bloody hell mate. 623 with Lara is huge, good work :D

Thanks mate, I have to say I'm pretty happy with myself! Wow, it took some effort! A couple of times I almost threw it away! It takes a hell of a lot of concentration after a certain point dude. In a weird way when he finally got out it was almost a relief. Does that sound crazy?
redlantern2051 said:
Thanks mate, I have to say I'm pretty happy with myself! Wow, it took some effort! A couple of times I almost threw it away! It takes a hell of a lot of concentration after a certain point dude. In a weird way when he finally got out it was almost a relief. Does that sound crazy?
Lol not really, after a while the field would of been difficult to have beaten. What difficult did you play this test on?
Now you might get some enjoyment back in the game as you will have the wish to break this record in the future.
Roofrom50 said:
Lol not really, after a while the field would of been difficult to have beaten. What difficult did you play this test on?

It was on "test" difficulty mode-I have never played a game not on this level. Realistic settings.

In my mind I knew my highest score in any of the "Lara/Ponting series" of games, including the '99 Playstation one, *at the hardest mode*, was 162, with Gilchrist on the 2005 game.

So that was my first target. Shiv beat it first. And then the double hundred was the next target. Again, Shiv got there first. But at about 260, Lara caught him. Shiv got out with a rush of blood shot.

After I hit 300 with Lara, I just kept focusing on 400, after that, I got looser, and after 501 was passed, i basically went ultra aggressive. But I always aimed for gaps.

Out caught and bowled to Flintoff!
fireburner79 said:
how many balls?

Not 100% sure, but about 218-220 I think. I brought up his double hundred in 81 balls, but by the end I was running at about 276 strike rate. They should record how many balls it took in your record, I think.
Well done for the score!! Do you know if you unlocked anything from it (maybe the MRF bat ?)

P.S. Watch me make a post of me beating this score tonight with an Indian batsmen !! :P
sharmaz said:
Well done for the score!! Do you know if you unlocked anything from it (maybe the MRF bat ?)

P.S. Watch me make a post of me beating this score tonight with an Indian batsmen !! :P

Hmm, it did unlock a kit I think-not MRF tho, another maker. I have two unlocked currently. What is the point of that BTW? Is it for your career player?

Good luck beating my score tonight!!! It's quite possible, concentration is the key, plus a little luck. Obviously Lara is the best batsmen in the game-along with Ponting I guess-so I guess that helps, too!
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I just scored 624.......honest lol ;) ........ whats that? ....i beat you by one!!.... no way :)

Oh dear i have no screenshot to prove it..........darn!!
I agree no matter what that is a great score

and Ricco M if 624 is true, congratulations


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