Good work on the blending matt, remember one thing, When you add textures, brushes, make sure they aren't over done. See the render, It's good, but it's sorta blue all the way, as if painted by paint bucket tool or with a single colour.
Detail is really important, It happens sometimes that you come up with a really good piece of work in a sig, and you post it in a positive manner, and it can also happen that people may not notice the part which is the best in the artwork, so, Detail is deadly important
Just like the work you've done in your BG, it's really nice, giving a cool, and an icy look to the sig, and matt, The duplicated render, which i can say that the idea is good, but, the work isn't bad either, the only thing you should learn in this step is to re-Create it in the best possible manner, not just by the way you've learned from the basic, "Duplicate the layer, lower it's opacity, put it in the back", So, you must be creative which you are, And try it in your own way, like put it behind some BG layers, so that it blends perfectly in the BG, and gives more Stylish look, and you've improved heaps in "text"ing(
) also..
Some things which you can Put in your guns now, Gradient maps, Fill Layers, Stock textures (Stocks are different, as well as stock textures like rock, grass, clouds, dirt, etc
Also, Do one thing, Open up the .PSD, put some lighting over ronaldinho's head, and add a border and try small - sized fonts with black colour and Place it near the ribbon of the hand, and see
and also add some photo filters, it really helps you..
You may think I am pushing my food into yours,
but, try it, you'll really get used to it and that are nothing but, improvised techniques..
Without those, you see?, Some parts are excellent, some aren't, and that takes the whole look off!
Try these things matt! Meet me on MSN if you have time!
Good luck and Keep up the Very good work lad..