Melbourne Bitters 06/07 Team Thread

Hey guys, most of you are offline now, but just to let you know i will be away for about 23 hours, for reasons such as training and going out with mates tomorrow, just thought id tell ya as im glad to hear i might be in for a chance of the team if i keep up posting, so ill cya later guys, and remember, dont post any critism of me or England cricket team while im not online as i cant defend myself.

ill leave you with a little thought,

"If all cricketers in the world came together at one time, at the same place, which nationalitys would get furtherst away from each other? None, because unlike most sports, England Australia and any team will usually get together after a long hard day and chat, thats because Cricket is the sport for people who value friendship!"

kinda gay do i sound! but its true, cya round guys
Simbazz said:
Ahh this is great to hear, plus with Brad unfit, haha. Gowd, how unfamiliar i am with trying to fight for a place :D oh i like to brag about my natural talant to hit 6's, so just be ready for it :p
Well if we can get rid of Brad then we welcome you with open arms and kegs of beer. Let's do it this season boys, two in a row.

Oh, and by the way guys, we are only a few behind the supersoakers, then it will be only us and the Indian Warriors. Just make sure we don't overpost there when we take over them and accidentally put them back in the lead...
aus5892 said:
Well if we can get rid of Brad then we'd be struggling. Let's do it this season boys, two in a row.
Strongly agree

oh i like to brag about my natural talant to hit 6's
You were the dopey ******* that hit duff over the fence? :mad:
Haha, Brad unfortunatly not, but in the nets sometime you'll be hearing duff crying into a can having just been hit for 7 6's in a row(obviously its duff, he'll put one wide in the which ill have all the way)

Hey guys, what we going for more? both if possible but OD matches of 4 day games??
well thats our goal, be it an unrealistic one, its still our goal. I dont know what it is but we have never had success with one day, always have in first class
But you havnt had an all star allround spin bowler in the ranks have you?

:D im here to hit us to both titles
ouch simbazz, spin shut you down.

Pakistan got thumped last night, I watched all of the 2nd and 3rd days play, im so proud of myself
brad352 said:
You were the dopey ******* that hit duff over the fence? :mad:
No that was me trying to convince Mark to move me up the order, so I killed two birds with one ball.
rickyp said:
poor birds.... poor poor birds...
Well you didn't report it when you were there. So anyways guys, I think we should have a practice test b4 the season starts. Maybe a test against Australia now?
yeah ok ill set it up

DAY 1 will be posted tomorrow, i wont put it down in the first post or anything though coz i cbf

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