My 1000 Post


International Coach
Sep 8, 2004
नई देहली,ईऩङीय (New Delhi, India)
Online Cricket Games Owned
Well i decided to do a relfection on what i have done in My 1000 post on planetcricket... it took me about 5-6 Months to get 1000 maybe the fastest im not sure but I surley learned alot and also acomplished little tho...I wanna still acompilsh more.. I have done in my time here is made T.v Graphics pitch ads and ad Boards... I helped people while learning at the same time... all i gotta say is Planetcricket is the best thing out there in the world :)(on the net) Thank you all for taking me as a Planetcricketer :) leave your comments on 1000... and tell me how i did in my 1000 post :)
Well done mate- the grand. I must say, I think all your posts here have been thoughtful and helpful. Some rep for you.
Well done on the big 4 digits! Yeah you definately have done some great things here, a great member!
Yep,Zorax is faster.

You are third.I'm second. :(

Well done anywayz :clap :)
Well done on your 1000 indiancricketer. We hope you are enjoying the planetcricket community just as everyone else is.
All the best mate.
Congrats on your 1000th post indiancricketer...i like your tv graphics

Cheaterr said:
Congratulations, I have nearly reached 100 posts too. After over a year!
Actually, Indian Cricketer has just passed 1000 not 100. I have posted over 600 times, since joining on 12th January 2004. :cheers
Skateboarder2 said:
Actually, Indian Cricketer has just passed 1000 not 100. I have posted over 600 times, since joining on 12th January 2004. :cheers

I think you'll find he knos that lol, he was joking...i hope!
nice man.. i will be too old by the time i reach 1000 though...

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