My BLIC07 Review


Club Cricketer
Mar 18, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
I bought BLIC2007 for the PS2 yesterday to find out for myself if the game really was as bad as people were making out.

I decided to jump into a world Cup straight away, 10 overs on Test difficulty as Ireland. I played Zimbabwe and won off the last ball. So first thing first, graphics are really good for a cricket game, a lot better than the old and boring graphics for Cricket 07.

I bowled first and restricted to Zimbabwe to 40 off their 10 overs, bowling i must say was relatively easy but they did go after me straight away and i suppose Zimbabwe aren't the best team in the world. My next match was against Pakistan and then West Inides, Pakistan scored 77 and Windies 80 against me which i thought were decent totals. At least the batsmen actually try and score unlike in Cricket 07 in which they still block if they need 10
+ an over.

Right, now on to batting, well it's a lot like BLIC05, not much difference really, the sweep shot really is poor in my opinion, it's hard to execute and i can't tell if my batsman is doing a normal sweep or a reverse. I felt i had to get to around full confidence before playing lofted shots with confidence in my own mind. I have now reached the Super 8 and i have only lost 1 game, against Pakistan. Testy mode really is still a bit easy, as Ireland i shouldn't be chasing 80 down against West Indies. I also posted 104 against Scotland but then again, it is Scotland. All in all i enjoy batting although it is too easy, the direction of shots do vary considering on your timing again unlike Cricket 07.

Final thing was fielding, off my first ever ball on BLIC07 i had an edge to first slip, not expecting it i watched the meter trickle to the end and it was dropped. Off the next ball another edge, this time to my wicket keeper which i caught. I don't know why people moan about the slip/wicket keeper catching, once i got use to it i took 75% of the catches and at least now catches behind the stumps are dropped unlike in BLIC05. Outfield catches are too unrealistic though, the meter still flies across the same rate as an edge to the wickie, of this meter was slowed down a bit it would be fine. Fielding isn't great and the throwing and wicket keepers are pretty stupid. I hate the way the wickie breaks the stumps even when the batsman is clearly in.

All in all i enjoy this game and although i think it may lose its life after a while when i get a 360 i think the online play will prolong it's life and give me more enjoyment.

Overall i rate this game as follows:

Graphics : 9/10
Lastability : 6/10
Batting : 7/10
Bowling : 8/10
Fielding : 6/10
OVERALL : 7.2/10
Thats a great review on the PS2 version, I have this game and it is spot on, well done;)

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