My Thoughts


Chairman of Selectors
Mar 13, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Not on life in general, or Stevie's taste for pasties, but what can be improved on blic 07. Ill be posting this in the thread that rubber has started, where he hints at a possible patch. Can Tom, Stevie, Colin & the rest let me know if i have missed anything out so i can add it before i post it in the thread.

Glad to see that a patch for gameplay fixes is being considerd. The game has potential thats for sure.

Things that i feel must be changed for the benefit of single player/multi player on the pc.

Drastic changes to ai field placings in test and odi. More attacking in test matches, unless after 10/20 overs the run rate is very high. In odi's the cpu must put more than two men on the boundry, after the fielding restrictions have been relaxed. Spinners, must never open the bowling, its to easy to hit them away when the field is up.

Leaving the ball should not reduce your confidence when batting, and the commentators should not make a stupid comment saying 'he's looking in trouble out there' or whatever.

CPU must look to block some shots, especially in tests. This is not currently the case. Every shot they go for it, making test run rates very high. The problem with this is, they will make a mistake. So, the cpu flys along, but because they take so many risks they get all out for 100 in 10 overs in a test match.

CPU odi pacing should be better, attacking/lofted shots in the first 15 overs, unless they start losing early wickets, then they must look to keep the ball on the ground and pick up singles. (if this is possible, im not sure) From overs 15/40, they must look to pick up singles, try and make them keep the ball on the ground, to ensure they bat the overs (if possible) and set a decent target.

Fielding must improve, in multiplayer you can hit everything for four, and i mean almost everything. Even it if goes straight to a fielder, they ball goes past them as they run towards the ball, they really should stop alot of those, dive whatever. (im not sure you can implement this which is a shame, but if you could do something it would help)

If the fielding cant be improved, then it must be harder to score runs when playing online or in singleplayer mode. For odi's and especially tests.

Create a player doesnt seem to work properly, it never seems to save the faces etc.

Option to save your custom fields in singleplayer and online.

Test matches will never go the distance, unless the cpu bats for longer, and slower. Make them hard to get out, not impossible but much harder. Make them score their runs between 3-4 runs an over, then we will see test matches lasting 5 days.

The option to save an online game, like a test match after 25 overs, so we can carry on the next day. Currently, this makes playing a test match online, a no brainer. Which is a shame, cos id love to play some test matches online and so would many others.

A better explanation of how we can play an online world cup with other players, saving etc. How many people have to be connected to the cpu to play in the world cup feature etc. How do we register the players, so the game will remember them when its their game.
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Great ideas and i hope codies give us a patch soon.
One thing which i think is key is the confidence concept. When a batsmen arrives at the crease he usually bats himself in, he aquires confidence slowly by pushing singles and hitting the bad ball. In this game you can gain high confidence far too quickly and lose it almost ball by ball.
As it stands i think this game is terrible and unplayable for cricket fans, but with careful patching it could be superb.
One more thing for test matches is creating an innings, this needs to be realistic so we can chase realistic scores on the fifth day on a wearing pitch for example.
Once your batsmen gets full confidence, prepare for a smack. :p
Pathfinder said:
Am I missing something? Where is this thread?

Visit the BLC07 or RPC07 codemasters website and there is a link to the forum there.
Thanks mate

I had just gone there and found it.

I'm not over confident though having read it. My guess is they'll fix the XBox Live problems and very little else. :(
I think that the dev team will have noticed that everyone is saying the same few things:

AI too aggressive
AI field placings are rubbish
Fielding is a bit silly

They are clearly the main points. It's so frustrating because there's a brilliant game in there but it can't get out because of the sodding stupid AI.

For me its unplayable. I was able to smack every ball for four nearly, and found it literally impossible to bowl a dot ball in odi or test, let alone a friggin maiden.

It really does beggar belief, did they even PLAY this before the decided to manufacture it?
Its easy to bowl dot balls and maidens are possible.

Yes the batting can be a bit absurd, now as to all the other problems I dont think ill hold my breath for them to produce a problem that a little game testing would have resolved.

If they couldnt organise themeselves some testing to save the time, effort and complete hammering from players, reviewers and any serious criicket gamer that can see the glaring faults.

How are they going to produce a patch of any worth.
I know that these ideas can't be incorporated into a new patch if one is done but here is some food for thought for a new version if one gets made.

My idea of a good fielding system would be one of were the individual players have stats for running throwing and catching for eg. Andrew Symonds should throw the ball flatter and harder than say a Brad Hogg from the outfield and is more of a chance direct hitting the stumps in the infield. This way if you were batting you could take certain fielders on because of the arm strength or their ability to chase down the ball when fielding. The same again could be said for the catching leaving out the need for the bars to display.

For batting I think the batsman should have stamina as a stat as this could affect their timing and abilities to smash the ball around and affect their ability running between the wickets. I would also like to see the individual batsman have a running stat so depending on the individuals at the crease they may be able to take more singles and turn singles into twos etc.

General things
A more general thing that could be done for both batting and fielding sides could be the idea of momentum. For eg if the fielding side is on top with good bowling and saves this should give them some form of stats boost to put extra pressure on the batsman and the same for the batsman if they have been getting on top of the bowling perhaps they should get a form of stats boost.

Perhaps an idea for the AI when fielding would be to look at couple of overs worth of spider charts and work out on a percentage basis were the runs are being scored and change the field and bowling tactics accordinially for eg. If most of the shots are going through cover the AI works this out puts a fielder on the fence and uses a fielder from an area of the ground were the opposition is not scoring and then starts to bowl with a line a bit wider outside off stump. The AI should be checking these percentages on a regular basis to change the field.
ozslotter said:
My idea of a good fielding system would be one of were the individual players have stats for running throwing and catching for eg. Andrew Symonds should throw the ball flatter and harder than say a Brad Hogg from the outfield and is more of a chance direct hitting the stumps in the infield. This way if you were batting you could take certain fielders on because of the arm strength or their ability to chase down the ball when fielding. The same again could be said for the catching leaving out the need for the bars to display.

Every player has a rating for judgement, reflexes, arm strength and arm accuracy, and speed across the outfield.

Mind you, I changed a whole team's speed stats to zero and hardly saw any difference between 0 and 99, which is a bit annoying.
madmattg said:
Its easy to bowl dot balls and maidens are possible.

Yes the batting can be a bit absurd, now as to all the other problems I dont think ill hold my breath for them to produce a problem that a little game testing would have resolved.

If they couldnt organise themeselves some testing to save the time, effort and complete hammering from players, reviewers and any serious criicket gamer that can see the glaring faults.

How are they going to produce a patch of any worth.

With our help on these forums, hopefully ;)
OffStump said:
With our help on these forums, hopefully ;)

Hence how are THEY going to do it. I have no doubt this community will come through as they always do.

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