Naresh's GFX

How are my works

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Sorry for the delay.
Ayub's requests:


the dale steyn sig is great,but it seems to be a bit LQ.Btw,can you PM the textures you used for that steyn sig
Haha there is nothing special with the textures used there.Only 2 or 3,that to very common ones.
Back to graphics after a very long time.Not really satisfied with this,especially the render effects.Hopefully I'll get back some touch soon.
This one is Good.
Could have reduced the opacity of the big render.
Text is as usual awesome..
Welcome back :)
To me it looks bit noobish(may be due to lack of PS work in recent times).
Texture looks random(if you add some render effect to wallie and try to match texture with render's shirt it looks more good. Big render as well looks random instead of that if you use desaturated image of main render with a horizontal shift, it would looks much more merge up. Text is good though but text is looking bit dull try to add strokes of white soft brush to it.
overall it very nice but no way near to your quality.KIU
Man,Don't worry about others comments,It has your class,With simple render effects,Great Blending,Good Lightning,Text is not the best though,Lacks a bit more effects.
Meh. Some people really don't know how to post constructive comments.

It looks well made to me. The render effect on the right of the render are very good. Like the overall flow of the wall as well. Text isn't the best though. To sum it up, the left side of the wall is brilliant, whereas the right side is a bit low.
Cheers to everyone for commenting.Yeah the text seems to be a little plain.And the render seems to be a bit bigger than what I thought it was (I was working with 50% size of the original image).Nevertheless will make some more works now,as my exams have finished.Those comments helped.Thanks.:)

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