New batting system


School Cricketer
Dec 1, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
I been thinking about how you bat in cricket games and think I have come up with a new control system that woul make it very fun

In the game you can either block it, go for a power shot or loft it. If you time it perfectly with of the latter 2 then its going to race to the boundary or fielder that there meaning you could get caught or only have time to run a single.

IF I use the XBox controller as a template then i think this would be a good system
- X will be for block much like it is in AC09 so you can run for scrambled singles
- A can be a medium power shot so you can hit it to a fielder on the boundary and run 2 or maybe even 3, or just chip it over the infield with the lofted button
- B power shot, trying to hit it to the boundary
- Y can be a leave button
- One of the right shoulder buttons can be to loft the ball combined with a shot power button to either hit for six or chip it over a fielder
- Keep the front foot/back foot/advance down pitch controls the same

What does everyone think of this system? May take a bit of time to get used to when you play the game the very first time but will give you more control of the shots you play and could make some very realistic batting
I like it; don't know if it will happen, but it sounds good, the power of the shot would also have to do with timing, right? If you're doing a medium powered shot, you should be able to mistime it slightly to get it to the man on the boundary but to be able to run at least two, whereas if you timed it perfectly, you may only get one, amirite? :D
It doesn't seem a whole lot different to me.
Modifiers to loft the ball were used in EA's game's I believe, and it makes it a bit difficult and fiddly, especially if you have front/back foot modifiers as well.

I think that the power of shots can be easily controlled by either using a tap or a press-and-hold for the shot buttons. This way, there's no extra fiddling, and it should be quite intuitive. If you have tap/press for each of the three shot buttons, that gives you 6 levels of power like so:

Defensive tap: Dead-bat, maybe a little glance if hitting behind square
Defensive hold: Gentle push to try and nudge into a gap. If timed very well and ball is in appropriate place you can hit boundaries with this.

Ground tap: Shot along the ground of average power. Not trying to blast the ball to the rope, but a well timed shot could get there, especially if the ball is over-pitched or very short, or with a fast outfield.
Ground hold: Powerful ground shot. Really trying to hit a boundary here. More risk.

Lofted tap: An aerial push or clip. Used to beat the infield, but not trying to get the elevation necessary to reach the rope for 6. Timing for this is not much harder than the ground hold shot. Might go for six if hitting a spinner on a front-foot drive if timed well and ball is 'in the slot'.
Lofted hold: Trying to smash the ball out of the ground. High risk, high reward.

This should give you a range of shots to play the right shots at the right times of an innings. This should allow you to build an innings in a realistic way, and give you more options, especially when the bowling is very tight.

Also, button needed for duck/leave.
One other thing I'd like to see it to be able change the running speed between the wickets, depending on where you are running. It does seem a little strange when your just looking to rotate the strike that you hit the ball to long on then sprint a single when in reality you'd just jog it.

Not too sure how you'd implement it, but a small addition.

Plenty of things to solve before we start getting ideas though.
One other thing I'd like to see it to be able change the running speed between the wickets, depending on where you are running. It does seem a little strange when your just looking to rotate the strike that you hit the ball to long on then sprint a single when in reality you'd just jog it.

Not too sure how you'd implement it, but a small addition.

Plenty of things to solve before we start getting ideas though.

I've thought about this too, reckon it would be easy enough, just use the square button(PS3) or its equivalent, then it could be linked to stamina too, obviously jogging would deplete a minimal amount, while running hard would take up more.dont know how the AI would handle it though, look what happens with just one speed!!:facepalm
Modifiers to loft the ball were used in EA's game's I believe, and it makes it a bit difficult and fiddly, especially if you have front/back foot modifiers as well.

I think that the power of shots can be easily controlled by either using a tap or a press-and-hold for the shot buttons. This way, there's no extra fiddling, and it should be quite intuitive. If you have tap/press for each of the three shot buttons, that gives you 6 levels of power like so:

Defensive tap: Dead-bat, maybe a little glance if hitting behind square
Defensive hold: Gentle push to try and nudge into a gap. If timed very well and ball is in appropriate place you can hit boundaries with this.

MB76: Yeps, that's just what I suggested. Good to see you think it'd work as well. :)

Ground tap: Shot along the ground of average power. Not trying to blast the ball to the rope, but a well timed shot could get there, especially if the ball is over-pitched or very short, or with a fast outfield.
Ground hold: Powerful ground shot. Really trying to hit a boundary here. More risk.

Lofted tap: An aerial push or clip. Used to beat the infield, but not trying to get the elevation necessary to reach the rope for 6. Timing for this is not much harder than the ground hold shot. Might go for six if hitting a spinner on a front-foot drive if timed well and ball is 'in the slot'.
Lofted hold: Trying to smash the ball out of the ground. High risk, high reward.

This should give you a range of shots to play the right shots at the right times of an innings. This should allow you to build an innings in a realistic way, and give you more options, especially when the bowling is very tight.

Also, button needed for duck/leave.

Good post and agreed about the duck/leave button, since the batsman just stands there and gets hit by bouncers too much, when you actually want him to duck.
I dont bother thinking about ducking anymore... anything short i just hit. Better than my batsman being hit lol
It's also important to ensure the run button is not the same as a shot button. I remember the older games where it was too easy to accidentally run by holding the shot button too long (since it was the same button). This is where it works well by having the Y button used for running but not playing a shot. Perhaps running could be triggered by two buttons simultaneously? I don't want to make it too hard to run but also want to avoid it being too easy to run by accident. Any ideas?
I hope the patch introduces a bit of risk to playing bouncers, even if you don't try and hit it in the air.

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