Blasphemy, sacrelige and a question!

The game may not be as good from a real cricketing point of view. Ashes 09 definitely feels more like cricket but it just doesn't feel "alive'. It seems muted somehow and very predictable. It certainly isn't a finished product and while the beta patch has helped it doesn't give me the entertainment value I crave. In EA cricket I am currently "touring" South Africa with England. The first test went to five days. I have never had that in Ashes 09 and I have to "pretend" the AI is bowling and fielding where it is to restrict my scoring. It got to the point that I restricted myself to only to scoring shots per over. Now that is not cricket! The ODI's are much better though but for a game that sold itself on being an Ashes experience it falls well short, well short. If people succeed in editing the AI fielding and bowling then it may be a different story but with the patches I am using for C07 at the mo it is my preferred game. Others may disagree, but hey, thats life.....:)

I agree totally cricket 07 is my choice aswell it has more to offer than any other, graphics aside obviously, and i play the ps2 version on my ps3 but i hear the pc version has all kinds of patches and updates which must make it numero uno, gota get a copy of pc version i think
I agree totally cricket 07 is my choice aswell it has more to offer than any other, graphics aside obviously, and i play the ps2 version on my ps3 but i hear the pc version has all kinds of patches and updates which must make it numero uno, gota get a copy of pc version i think

Well I just went to prove a point for myself. I fired up Ashes 09 after not playing it for about 3 weeks. Set settings to "hard" in a 50 over ODI against the Aussies. After 7.1 overs I switched off again. I was 173 for 1!:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm

If I attempt the same thing in C07 (patched) I will be out no problem. I am not meaning to bitch on about it and it would be right for someone to say "well sod-off and play your other game then!", but jeez, is this what there is after 3 years of waiting for another game???????? It is fundamentally broken just like blic 07 was. It took me a while to figure it out because I really wanted to believe it was a good game. But it ain't in my opinion, it just ain't.:mad:

The graphics are nice but sod graphics: I want game play and innings pacing. Thats all. Thats what cricket is about. The ups and downs of an innings.
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Now if only EA had the customer relations of Transmission and listened to us for advice on the game, they could make the best ever cricket game.
Now if only EA had the customer relations of Transmission and listened to us for advice on the game, they could make the best ever cricket game.

I truly hope that they will one day bring out a new version of the game. Update the graphics and the animations, make it 360 batting like Ashes 09 and keep all the tours and stats. It could be great. I still think codies will bring out a new version of Ashes 09 as it was such a huge cash cow for them but once again it will have to go to a new developer with all the risks that has. Cricket Revolution could become interesting in the future but once again we find ourselves just completely bitching about the fact that there just isn't a truly decent realistic cricket game out there at the moment and that we have to resort to games that are years old to have a sense of cricket pacing.
Well I love the test match pacing on EA 05. Sometimes they can be a bit slow at the beginning, but once the confidence builds up, it becomes a real pain to try and get them out.
Well I love the test match pacing on EA 05. Sometimes they can be a bit slow at the beginning, but once the confidence builds up, it becomes a real pain to try and get them out.

Yeah I know and I just love the fact that my very first test match with this game went to day five and had real ups and downs to it. At one point I thought I had the Saffers but as good old Boycott usually points out: "Well, add a couple o' wickets to that total and it don't look to pretty anymore, do it!?" Thoroughly enjoyable!:)
i really liked cricket 07 on ps2 the only thing i found frustrating was getting the oposing batsmen out, i found it to be extremely difficult
Yeah I know and I just love the fact that my very first test match with this game went to day five and had real ups and downs to it. At one point I thought I had the Saffers but as good old Boycott usually points out: "Well, add a couple o' wickets to that total and it don't look to pretty anymore, do it!?" Thoroughly enjoyable!:)

Only issue is sometimes the tail can wag too much, but I just edited the batting stats of the bowlers after Chris Martin made a 100 :facepalm Just wish the AI would be more intelligent in ODI's

i really liked cricket 07 on ps2 the only thing i found frustrating was getting the oposing batsmen out, i found it to be extremely difficult

Better too hard, then too easy though ;)
i really liked cricket 07 on ps2 the only thing i found frustrating was getting the oposing batsmen out, i found it to be extremely difficult

If you can get the PC version there are a couple of excellent patches that give the whole game a more realistic pacing and flow to it. I struggled at first to get the wickets; you have to work them out, earn them. Thats great. That is the way it should be. Wickets will sometimes fall in little clusters as well, like in real life. One thing I find a little dissapointing is the LBW's. I have only had one succesful appeal.

dutchad added 3 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

Only issue is sometimes the tail can wag too much, but I just edited the batting stats of the bowlers after Chris Martin made a 100 :facepalm Just wish the AI would be more intelligent in ODI's

Lol! Chris Martin!:):facepalm:facepalm:D
Oh God do I miss statistics tracking. It is such a crucial and fundamental aspect of sports, especially cricket. It's one of the reasons I love baseball so much - I am in stats heaven sometimes. At present, Ashes 09 is like drinking low-strength alcohol beer - you get a taste but you never really get drunk. Statistics and full tours/tournaments are the alcohol in your drink. And if you're a tee-totaller, then go play croquet! :D
The stats in AC09 aren't too bad.

I would say that they were extremely bad. There is no stats tracking. Even the stats within the game you are playing are annoying - why do they show only the bowlers lifetime stats card? It should be their stats for the present match. Sure, the lifetime one can go up at the start of his first over, but that should be it - from that point on it should be their card for the game being played.

Some sort of career mode should be an absolute requirement for the next game.
I would say that they were extremely bad. There is no stats tracking. Even the stats within the game you are playing are annoying - why do they show only the bowlers lifetime stats card? It should be their stats for the present match. Sure, the lifetime one can go up at the start of his first over, but that should be it - from that point on it should be their card for the game being played.

Some sort of career mode should be an absolute requirement for the next game.

Lets seriously hope that Codies are willing to go for another version of the game as this one was at least a good financial succes for them as I have come to understand it.
Lets seriously hope that Codies are willing to go for another version of the game as this one was at least a good financial succes for them as I have come to understand it.

Because serious hope is far more effective than frivolous hope :laugh

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