NEW INFORMATION: Crusaders/Dynamos Crisis

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Chairman of Selectors
Jul 15, 2005
As you all know the Cricket Crusaders, and even some of Cricsim itself, has experience somewhat of a crisis with inactivity.

Even though we have a lot of interest in the draft this year, the fact is that not everyone becomes active in cricsim.

The Cricket Crusaders, after folding from inactivity last year, have experienced major inactivity again this year.

Their current squad size is only 5 after delistings.

Because of this, they obviously need a way to make up numbers, and fast.

The issue with this is that there aren't enough active draftees to go around if we let the Crusaders take the amount they need.

So to combat this, we will be forced to do something that can be upsetting for all, but was used by the AFL when new clubs entered.

All other clubs will be asked to give up one proper decently active player to the Crusaders for next season.

The decision should be discussed with the team manager and the squad, to ask for volunteers etc, but it has to be done unfortunately.

Compensation for these offloads will be given in the sense that new players can now be picked up, active ones at that. The only other alternative was to let the Crusaders have the first few picks, and stop others from drafting decent new players.

These extra 5 will get the Crusaders to 10 players, which is average at the moment.

It is possible that one club may be spared, depending on their needs of players.

I must be informed of the player going to the Crusaders so I can make sure that it is a fair giveaway, and that that player is active enough.

So far we have:
Bitters give up wfdu_ben91
Supersoakers: evertonfan
Legends: voldemort
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Forget it. I don't think we want to give up one of our players thankyou very much. As Sid said in chat, we shouldn't force activity, if the the Crusaders are inactive, that is their problem, not ours.
Hmm, thats gotta suck for the managers of the teams.

Well, we at the Donks can spare one. But who? We need volunteers, or we'll have to force one of the less-active team members to go.

Or better yet, let the Crusaders manager sign people who are out of the draft, who want to be a part of this but signed up to late?
I aint to bothered tbh. I will be asking zmario as my first option seeing as me and him had a bit of trouble last season. Then if he wishes to stay I will ask for a volunteer...
There are enough Draftees to fill up Crusaders ranks so, I don't see what the problem is. Bitters are already 12 with Griffo and Metallica coming in so, we don't need to pick any more players.
hmmm...i don't think that will go down well with other teams...lets see what happens though...

P.S trev mate can you make me the same sig as yours but with bilal at the bottom...thanks...

Well, we at the Donks can spare one. But who? We need volunteers, or we'll have to force one of the less-active team members to go.

Or better yet, let the Crusaders manager sign people who are out of the draft, who want to be a part of this but signed up to late?

Thats a better idea considering how many people were so eager to still sign up but missed out.
There are enough Draftees to fill up Crusaders ranks so, I don't see what the problem is. Bitters are already 12 with Griffo and Metallica coming in so, we don't need to pick any more players.

Im in the draft and I would NOT like to go to the crusaders
Forget it. I don't think we want to give up one of our players thankyou very much. As Sid said in chat, we shouldn't force activity, if the the Crusaders are inactive, that is their problem, not ours.
The problem is very much ours, if they aren't active it is the competition that loses not them, as they couldn't care less.

At the moment the competition is a 6 team competition and with no plans to cut down on that we face a simple problem.

We want all teams to be active. If one team never posts teamsheets and never worries about their results what happens then it loses its point. It's just a simulated game, the fun is discussing and bragging about your side/personal results. We had two scheduled drafts and no one showed up. Why? Because they need more active players.

Last year the Crusaders were given a heap of picks in the draft and it was no better. We need a new solution and this is the one. It's only one player, and I'm sure that there are people who won't mind leaving their sides too much.

There are enough Draftees to fill up Crusaders ranks so, I don't see what the problem is. Bitters are already 12 with Griffo and Metallica coming in so, we don't need to pick any more players.
As I said, the draft is being reworked based around this, no teams have picked up players yet including us.

And yes, there are enough dratees to fill up their squad, but that is exactly what happened last draft, look where it got them.

This is the only solution that will ensure that the comp is injected with some activity all round.

afridi118 said:
whts the squad as i am active
You are in their squad.
Getting rid of people would cause team friction between teams. Wouldn't want to do that.
Unfortunately it is the only option as Rhys said. This way the Crusaders get revived with established, active players. I'm sure you all understand.
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