TENNIS New Tennis Game Coming Next Year

All this talk and release of ao tennis made me pick play full ace tennis once more.
I haven’t played that game in ages.

And boy. It was such a pleasure to play. Sure the graphicical fidelity may not be there, and some animations look a little stiff . But it really plays superbly well. Within minutes I was playing (and losing) epic 5 set matches. I didn’t even mind losing because I was so engaged.

I cannot wait for the new Full ace to be released!
May have to try and get a hold of the beta hahah

The beta is now on Steam, you should ask kschoice if you can join.
Yeah I'm in the beta and it is excellent! Animations are a lot better than they were in the old version.

Lots of modding potential too, here's a screenshot of some AO adboards etc I did (another guy did the court texture);

Yeah I'm in the beta and it is excellent! Animations are a lot better than they were in the old version.

Lots of modding potential too, here's a screenshot of some AO adboards etc I did (another guy did the court texture);

Looks fantastic!

I’ve never really been active on the full ace forums, so I’ll register and hope to be experiencing what you guys are very soon! :)
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It looks great but they have had to improve a lot to be there. Sometimes we forget that. Developers in general get lambasted for something that doesn't work yet we forget they are doing it for us and sometimes it takes more than one iteration, and improving what you do wrong last time.

There must be a reason why developers steer clear from tennis games. I just love tennis and have always wanted it on console. And this year we get more than one, when in the last ten years we have 0. The competition is good and I hope it makes each of these developers work harder and better.
It looks great but they have had to improve a lot to be there. Sometimes we forget that. Developers in general get lambasted for something that doesn't work yet we forget they are doing it for us and sometimes it takes more than one iteration, and improving what you do wrong last time.

There must be a reason why developers steer clear from tennis games. I just love tennis and have always wanted it on console. And this year we get more than one, when in the last ten years we have 0. The competition is good and I hope it makes each of these developers work harder and better.
Seems like you're referring to AO...

I see your logic and usually I'd agree to an extent, but when it comes to full price games from decently sized/funded studios you cannot be so forgiving IMO. Especially when they don't seem to be listening or responding to feedback, and are using lies and dishonest reviews to sell their (at best) rushed and unfinished product to unwitting individuals.

The original Full Ace was still a good game - it had areas it wasn't particularly strong in (animation, 3D models) but it was still a finished and complete game upon it's original release. Any sort of comparison between the quality of that as a first iteration, and AO as a first iteration is a massive insult to Full Ace.

is there any videos of that of youtube?
As it's still in beta, I'm not sure to what extent I should share gameplay footage. The game will be on Steam before too long - the beta is on there now and it's all working :).
Seems like you're referring to AO...

I see your logic and usually I'd agree to an extent, but when it comes to full price games from decently sized/funded studios you cannot be so forgiving IMO. Especially when they don't seem to be listening or responding to feedback, and are using lies and dishonest reviews to sell their (at best) rushed and unfinished product to unwitting individuals.

The original Full Ace was still a good game - it had areas it wasn't particularly strong in (animation, 3D models) but it was still a finished and complete game upon it's original release. Any sort of comparison between the quality of that as a first iteration, and AO as a first iteration is a massive insult to Full Ace.

As it's still in beta, I'm not sure to what extent I should share gameplay footage. The game will be on Steam before too long - the beta is on there now and it's all working :).
I was in fact not talking just about AO. What I was suggesting was in general developers steer clear from tennis and there must be a reason. It is a world-wide sport with a huge fan base and following generating millions. I am happy that finally BA and others are trying. Thus giving us the fans options and by it not being monolopolised surely in the end quality should reign supreme.
What we need to remember is how long it might take to get there.
This is in fact why Ashes 2013 is so tragic: two games really competing with each other to win the hearts of cricket fans has to be a good thing......I would much rather have seen Ashes 2013 be a great game than the total shitgrab it turned out to be.
Tennis at least has Full Ace coming soon, and then Tennis Elbow 4 as some competition in probably about 12 months. Hopefully they will be pushing each other to progress for a good few years.

As for AO "getting there" in future iterations, this is Big Ant we are talking about. The studio that managed to turn DBC14 into DBC17... The latest Rugby League game has worse reviews than the previous one... And why would they care, they've shat out 2 more sports games since then (Ashes/AO) and will probably never get around to fixing any of them properly as they're likely already making 3 more.

RLL4 Steam page (look at user reviews);

Trusting these guys to make progress in future iterations of any game seems like a fool's errand.
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For console users, I've heard that if the Steam version of Full Ace is successful, and there is a demand for a console version, it will happen.
Tennis at least has Full Ace coming soon, and then Tennis Elbow 4 as some competition in probably about 12 months. Hopefully they will be pushing each other to progress for a good few years.

I thought there was tennis world tour as well?
I made some racquet logos as well;


There are more mods on the ITST forum;

I'm sure you'll be impressed :) Keep the old version installed and then play one after the other, massive improvement!

Awesome, I’ve already used some of your mods haha.
It’s defiantly an improvement over the last version. Looking forward to a full release. Hope it’s successful

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