new to cricket

are u new to cricket itself or to cricket games?
The simple thing here is that nobody is going to post something that you can find in the manual.

From the rules:

11) Use your manual: This forum does not support piracy and anyone suspected of having an illegal copy will not receive any help. Please do not therefore post requests for any infomation that can easily be found in your manual as you will be automatically suspected of having an illegal version.

Just look at the controls section, it'll be easy to understand for anyone who can read.
so you don't understand the shots, like what they mean?
oh ok..

Can u post the names of shots you don't understand, so some of the other members or I can explain them?
froont foot shot
back foot shot
advance down wicket shot
defensive shortcut(front foot/back foot*)

dunno where it says block shot
all of those mean exactly what they say..

front foot shots, you play with the front foot

back foot shots, you play with the back foot; examples - pull shots, hook shots

advance down wicket shot - you come down the pitch towards the bowler and play a shot

defensive shot - you just block the ball basically, so u can block it off your front foot or your back foot..

examples of what they look like:

back foot shots -

front foot shots -

Defensive shots:

1. back foot:

2. front foot:

so basically you chose what shot you want to play and then use the arrows to choose the direction in which u want to hit the ball...
cheers guys just beat canada (210 all out) thanks to your help
Just like it's said in the previous posts, just practice in the nets.
spicester said:
cheers guys just beat canada (210 all out) thanks to your help

lol good job, man.. May I ask what country you are from?
wales mate sorry for not posting earlier but for like a week the sitre wasnt responding

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