[OD Round 1] Aug 15: Brawny Bandits vs. Willow Wanderers


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Aug 3, 2004
San Francisco, CA
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Brawny Bandits vs. Willow Wanderers at The Bandit Island, August 15, 2010 | PCCL

Let's shut this low class big mouthed Bandits once in for all! They talk all that big ████, we just need to trash em and shut em down.

Look at your logo. Man. Making the first post look soo ugly and unprofessional.
Let's shut this low class big mouthed Bandits once in for all! They talk all that big ████, we just need to trash em and shut em down.

Look at your logo. Man. Making the first post look soo ugly and unprofessional.

Mac don't be hating Abhas because he goes around with the babes, we know the sight of that gives you rigor mortise in certain parts of your body:D:laugh, but you should focus on the up coming match and take nothing for granted, because Bandits aim to win, we will be coming from all directions and with plenty fire power, be warned, you are coming to our Island!!!
Guys right this way. Look to your left hand side, and you will see one of the greatest ex of big mouthing of Bandits, just what I was talking about... And we are walking, walking...
Please ban them from hosting any matches in their little "Island", just like Pakistan.

We refuse to play in Bandit Island, because it's vary dangerous and unsafe.

We want to play in our ground, or neutral ground
Finally, I am at my favorite format and against a team I hate the most.
Trust me, that hatred of yours is just gonna grow after a bitter loss for the Bandits.

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