Sign-ups Oman's tour of USPC - 2nd Twenty20

Can i sign up ????
who are they o.O[DOUBLEPOST=1415045785][/DOUBLEPOST]
And you need a legend like me :D so whats up with the nationalities (I would prefer Australia)

Your nationality is USPC, and St Pancras is a domestic team. Did you read the index?
Also, take a read at this folks.

Nuts and Bolts

Hopefully, this post will come to answer any questions you might have regarding the nuts and bolts of how this league will operate. Of course, this will happen gradually, because as the league goes on there will naturally be more things that come to light.

The league is already running - is it too late to sign up?
No. We ALWAYS welcome new players.

There are three of you - what are you all doing?
We all have different roles in this. I'm just the secretary really - all of the important things are handled by other people. @shoaibakhtar handles the shorter formats, like Twenty20 and the occasional Sixes event. Meanwhile, @VC the slogger looks after any longer format games - 50-over and multi-day fixtures. Essentially, @shoaibakhtar uses PCCS, while @VC the slogger uses Cricksim (and does the stats).

How do you rate my player?
There is a vast range of different factors which determine how your player is rated. I couldn't possibly keep track of them all, but that's what we have @VC the slogger for. This table from VC adds much more detail to the player list on the index.

How can I improve my player's ratings?
If you think your player is disappointingly weak, then don't despair. The most effective way to improve your player's abilities is to post regularly in the thread, and to make yourself a part of the league. This does not mean spamming - persistent spammers will magically morph into Benjamin Aislabie. Also, the higher the level of cricket you play, the better your player will become, as the best way to learn is through experience.

What are form and fitness points?
Form points are determined by how well you are performing compared to what you might expect from a player of your ability. If your form points are low, then you're just going through a rough patch - it happens to everyone sometimes and you will come out of the other end. Fitness points are more important. If you play a long stretch of consecutive matches without a rest, or just get unlucky, then you will lose fitness points and your abilities will be affected. For a more in-depth explanation of the details, please read this post.
To all those who missed out on the squad, don't despair. It won't be long until we return from the tournament!

Corrected. :p

On a serious note, I'm hoping on not getting hit for a six every bowl as I'm a leg spinner, will have to bowl precisely and economically. Hope the only pure spinner performs his best.
First name: Randy
Surname: Orton
Player type: Steven Smith , by the way do you like the Akmal's
Batting hand: Right
Bowling style: N/A
Domestic preference:Well who ever agrees to this !!

My requirements are:
1) Private dressing room, which is atleast 800 square feet large.
2) Team expense account with a credit card
3) I be allowed to bat and bowl when I feel like it, and in whatever style I feel like.
4) I be allowed to choose where I field, set my own fields, and get a substitute whenever I want.
5) Attend training sessions is optional for me; I have more important business to attend to.
6) I don't do Public Appearances (Maybe this will change in the future !)
7) I write my own Press Releases, Public Statements and Interviews
8) My weekly salary is non negotiable, and must be paid directly, in the ratio of 49-59-69 to my Cuban, Swiss and Bahama bank accounts respectively.
9) Complete privacy with my private and business affairs.
10) My performances go unquestioned, my spot in the starting XI goes unchallenged.

In return you get the biggest name and most talented player in Cricsim history , as well Sponsorship from some of my associates.
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My weekly salary is non negotiable, and must be paid directly, in the ratio of 49-59-69 to my Cuban, Swiss and Bahama bank accounts respectively.
Really Excited for this all new thing.....

Hope I Perform Well.

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