On the fence because of the AI


Club Captain
Apr 26, 2014
Online Cricket Games Owned
The AI in cricket games has always been disappointing. I've yet to find a cricket game where the AI plays according to the match situation. As a result, I haven't bought one in a long time.

The typical example is when chasing a target, the AI batsmen gets bowled out for low scores, instead of planning the run chase properly. The same applies for bowling, when the AI could utilize its highest rated bowlers to target the best batsman in the middle overs instead of sticking to a predefined script of bowling them at the death by when the game may already be over.

From what I've heard, the AI in this game has the same issues. This is particularly disappointing given how much passion the developers have shown for this game and how many improvements they've made in the other aspects, e.g. batting and bowling controls.

Is there any hope for the AI to be fixed in a patch?

Being an AI researcher myself and an avid cricket fan, I've spent some time thinking about designing a good AI for a cricket game. While it's not easy (cricket does have its complexities), it is certainly doable and I'm happy to share my thoughts with whoever is interested (for free obviously).
Unfortunately the only thing worth shouting about in this game is the fundamentals. I have to think all the stuff ross said about releasing the game last year was rubbish. Either that or big ant have sat on an exceptionally buggy game for 6 months. This game is overrated due to the shockingly poor market. As a cricket game its the best one yet but if you look at the bigger picture its well well below par
It's hard to know whether the AI is any good because some people lack any I.
@gaia If your are willing to share it with common folks im certainly all ears to hear your ideas if you can share it here would be cool, as everyone will be able to give their opinions too.:yes
I've run a few games strickly with the AI playing the AI with modified teams stats and attributes. I've come to the realisation that it's totally down to the stats and attributes assigned to the teams by the creators (not intentionally, but there was always a cloud over what kind of stat or attribute meant what in real life/the game).

All the fully run (not simulated) matches I played resulted in pretty damn realistic scores (considering I'd upped the batting and bowling stats to max, a broad range of bowlers, all other attributes maxed except for the ones that affected fielding.. I was trying to find out the cause of the superman fielder syndrome, discussed in other threads). I've made a few hastily put together ideas about what stats and attributes should be assigned to the players based on this info.

Currently trying on-disk teams in career mode (as it uses the players that were tested during the 'in house' alpha and beta phase of the game development), and early signs show the AI do not collapse when you're playing and not simulating.
Additionally, as it doesn't really affect me as I really don't know better, the 'weird' AI field settings the AI have been using is overturned by the way which they managed to plug the most used gaps pretty quickly, making it hard to keep milking runs. I'm loving this in the added difficulty it makes playing.
I totally disagree with this thread. Have you played blc99? How good AI chases scores in that game. You will be amazed. This is exactly this game will become in this department in next patch if they fix AI bugs (toning down their behavior and improving their skill at diffrent difficulties. This should be no.1 fix for patch 2. I don't really care about fielding placement bugs. Sorry
I totally disagree with this thread. Have you played blc99? How good AI chases scores in that game.

BLC 99 had awful AI like every game before and after it.

The configs for AI pacing took no account of match situation

This was first game I patched and had to create separate AI pacing files for different situations to get a reasonable game
@gaia, the AI has some issues but if you are a cricket fan or a cricket gaming fan I would highly recommend the game for three reasons...

1. The game is worth buying for career mode alone. Playing as a batsman in the career mode will give you hours (probably hundreds of hours) of fun and replayability and the AI doesn't have too much negative impact in career mode.

2. Online gameplay, once some niggles are ironed out in patch 2, should keep you occupied for ages. I find career player so addictive that I haven't even explored online gameplay yet.

3. If anyone can enhance the game, Big Ant can. As they have shown with the DBC 14 patch, the first time ever in cricket gaming history, that they support their products and listen to their consumers. TBH I would buy the game to support such a developer even if you ignore the first two reasons.
Ive got full confidence the issues will eventually be patched out, the main thing is that at least batting and bowling are fun and you actually want to do it rather than getting bored with repetitive gameplay. Once youve got that as a starting point everything else can be built on from their.
Like most games these days, there are some AI issues in this game that have been well documented, but for me they don't the ruin the addictive experience BigAnt has crafted. Also, it seems as though BigAnt are committed to improving the game as much as possible over the next 18 months, which is uncommon really and highly commendable. This game should get better and better. That's a good investment if you ask me.
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