On the fence because of the AI

This doesn't tally with my pre-patch experience. I started a career mode with only default players, hadn't downloaded any players at all.

All the AI issues and super fielding issues were present.

I'd love @Ross to expand on his comments regarding "how they play the game at big ant" vs how we are playing it out here... Now i guess in terms of when we're batting, we may may be over aggressive and in longer formats not bide our time, it may be that we've not had the game long enough and aren't good enough and are too pre-meditiating... But ok what about bowling, how are they playing the game differently to get edges, not having an AI fall apart and make no challenge or be over aggressive in longer formats?

It's cricket... Surely as batting it's see ball hit ball (or see ball block ball), and bowling it's lets get the bugger out or at least keep his score down while we're trying. What are they doing differently?

Another thing... I and other creators begged for some clear guidance in creating skills and attributes. Given it would obviously have a major impact on the majority of players experience of the game, why were they not more forthcoming. Obviously there were clear reasons why they couldn't say: if i was making Dave Warner i'd give him number x for skill 1 etc. but they could have said... Well a solid test player you'd expect to have say max 80% skills and not less than 40%... If you want a guy to be poor off the back foot, and great off front foot, that'd translate to havingback foot skill no more than a third as high as front foot...

The fielders will get a bullet throw from anything over 65% arm speed, and that would give a fast bowler a top speed of 85mph... If you go over 75% youre talking 100mph... "accurate" bowlers would have 70% throw accuracy and you'd expect them to hit the stumps more than they miss when fielding inside the circle and still good even from the boundary...

Just simple guidance like that would have been invaluable, and the situation was clearly forseeable... Even as creators we said many times we'd have to tweak once we got the game, so theres no defence really.

I feel an utter douche for claiming we should have had more info, because at the end of the day we were given an astonishing amount of info. But really the info guven should have been "smarter", and really we were begging for this repeatedly.

The game is super addictive and a real challenge especially the batting. I really hope the bowling can be made harder to get wickets hopefully in patch 2. Really hope the ai batting will be harder to get out.
I bought an Xbox 360 just to play this game. Really loving the game on career ( am a batting allrounder). I think the AI could have been made better for sure though, as an example the captain did not bowl me in some crunch games even though i average 6 runs for a wicket with strike rate of 8 balls. Also in the final of the t20 cup my captain set an aggressive field to peter siddle with 14 runs required to win of final over?(i was watching as a fielder as i wanted to see what the ai does), and we lost the match despite my 45 and 4-8, that was frusterating.
Started a t20 world cup as India. I batted first against Bangladesh and was bowled out for 124 in 16 overs. I figured it was going to be a close contest. I ended up bowling out Bangladesh for 7 runs. 7 RUNS!!!. They were batting maniacally. 5 dismissals were run outs. I won by 117 runs. Complete madness hahaha. Still enjoying the game but I wish the AI batted with a little more sense.
I'm seeing this same behavior from the AI batting even when playing on Legend difficulty. It is quite easy to dismiss the AI for less than 100 in a T20 match on Legend difficulty, as they play many unnecessarily risky aerial shots and get into a lot of run outs, even when the match situation doesn't require it.

Really hope this is fixed in the next patch.
I'm seeing this same behavior from the AI batting even when playing on Legend difficulty. It is quite easy to dismiss the AI for less than 100 in a T20 match on Legend difficulty, as they play many unnecessarily risky aerial shots and get into a lot of run outs, even when the match situation doesn't require it.

Really hope this is fixed in the next patch.

Yes Ross has confirmed that it is fixed in the Patch#2 and Ross has stated that the AI will play smart cricket after the patch....
Yes Ross has confirmed that it is fixed in the Patch#2 and Ross has stated that the AI will play smart cricket after the patch....

I must admit it's weird that the AI plays such dumb cricket in the released version yet will (hopefully) play smart cricket after the patch.

How many other games can people think of where there has been such a dramatic change in the AI? Is BA talking up this patch too much? Were they lazy for the initial release AI?

Or should we just read this as a strong commitment by BA to the series and its fans? I think this is the attitude we should have, at least until we see the patch :)
I must admit it's weird that the AI plays such dumb cricket in the released version yet will (hopefully) play smart cricket after the patch.

How many other games can people think of where there has been such a dramatic change in the AI? Is BA talking up this patch too much? Were they lazy for the initial release AI?

Or should we just read this as a strong commitment by BA to the series and its fans? I think this is the attitude we should have, at least until we see the patch :)

I just believe that the game will feel new after Patch#2 as Ross has always delivered what he says...And whenever asked about the patch he repeats that it will feel like a new game....As its not far away lets wait and hope for the best..:)
not to mention ross have also said the AI field settings would become more realistic with 2nd patch. :cheers
I expect it to feel much better too, but you must admit it's weird for a game to "feel like a new game" after a patch. I can't recall any other games like that.
I expect it to feel much better too, but you must admit it's weird for a game to "feel like a new game" after a patch. I can't recall any other games like that.

There are some valid questions that could be asked about how some of this stuff was not picked up before release.......I tell you what though, I could never ever go back to playing any other cricket game.....makes me shudder to think of the lethargic fielding in Ashes 09 and IC10...........you always knew where the ball was going and the fielders always did the same thing and they always just gawped at the ball as it trundled by and made its way slowly over the rope....and the running forward to catch in the slips, and the superhumann wicketkeeper, and the extra cover that grabbed everything lying down.......have we forgotten all of this?
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There are some valid questions that could be asked about how some of this stuff was not picked up before release.......I tell you what though, I could never ever go back to playing any other cricket game.....makes me shudder to think of the lethargic fielding in Ashes 09 and IC10...........you always knew where the ball was going and the fielders always did the same thing and they always just gawped at the ball as it trundled by and made its way slowly over the rope....and the running forward to catch in the slips, and the superhumann wicketkeeper, and the extra cover that grabbed everything lying down.......have we forgotten all of this?

I agree with your bolded comment but I wouldn't use the fielding as something to highlight how amazing Bradman is compared with older games.

The Bradman wicket keeper is also a superhuman, but all of the fielders are. Yes in Ashes 09 there was a running forward to catch the ball in slips but is that worse than almost a complete dearth of slips catches?

Are super human fielders better than lethargic fielders?

For me the main differences are the batting and bowling mechanics. Bowling is super fun, as is setting a field to your bowling, but the horrible AI batting negate these positives.

When batting yourself, you have to deal with stupid AI field settings and AI bowling that is too straight or down leg side, but those don't detract too much from things.

Right now I'd say that batting is very fun, bowling is fun but not rewarding and fielding, both when you are fielding and the AI, needs a fair bit of work.
For me the main differences are the batting and bowling mechanics. Bowling is super fun, as is setting a field to your bowling, but the horrible AI batting negate these positives.

Exactly how I feel also.

The game mechanics are light years ahead of any cricket game I have ever played - the AI batting and field settings are no better/worse

Great foundations but plenty of improvements needed :thumbs
Exactly how I feel also.

The game mechanics are light years ahead of any cricket game I have ever played - the AI batting and field settings are no better/worse

Great foundations but plenty of improvements needed :thumbs

Given the complexity of the mechanics, I think it's probably a bigger challenge to make AI that performs as well as past games, which had a lot simpler mechanics.

This also seems to be the only game to ever have an adaption of the field with individual players moving to spots. Other games changed the field a bit to suit the situation but it was only ever a cycling through the presets. This can trip up Bradman 14 though and lead to mid off - long off pairs, for example.

I'm baffled as to how the current preset fields in Bradman made it in though. They'd be the easiest thing to get right and any park cricketer with half a brain could have said they were no good.

Also, to make things trickier, there are some fields which are ok for "real cricket" but, due to the tiny amount of edges, slips are a waste in this game and hence the fields are no-longer effective. You know this when you set your fields but the AI doesn't. This should change with Patch 2 though.
Given the complexity of the mechanics, I think it's probably a bigger challenge to make AI that performs as well as past games, which had a lot simpler mechanics.

This also seems to be the only game to ever have an adaption of the field with individual players moving to spots. Other games changed the field a bit to suit the situation but it was only ever a cycling through the presets. This can trip up Bradman 14 though and lead to mid off - long off pairs, for example.

I'm baffled as to how the current preset fields in Bradman made it in though. They'd be the easiest thing to get right and any park cricketer with half a brain could have said they were no good.

Also, to make things trickier, there are some fields which are ok for "real cricket" but, due to the tiny amount of edges, slips are a waste in this game and hence the fields are no-longer effective. You know this when you set your fields but the AI doesn't. This should change with Patch 2 though.

My favourite was the "silly mid-on, short mid-on, mid-on, long on" field I had to play into.

My current frustration with field placings is watching the AI set "slip, gully, silly mid-off, short leg, leg gully" fields to my AI partner who has his 50, and appears to be going well - while my guy (who has just come in) is looking at a field scattered far and wide.

I want some gaps to hit into, dammit!

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