Online Sharjah Cup


Club Cricketer
May 14, 2003
Online Cricket Games Owned
:taz: :up: Commercial Bank Online Sharjah Cup - 2003 by Thurya will play in last week of June.
Teams:- Sri Lanka (My Self), Wst Indies, Australia, Zimbabwe. If any like to host any of these 3 team please reply.
Did you get authourization from Rangeela to host ANOTHER Sharjah cup?
Or are you just really keen [admin Edit:don't want to discourage our new members now do we :zimrahil: ]. There is someone incharge of handling these big things already. I sure hope you can :blink:
Hi Thurya,
In order to host a tournament, you(or anybody else for that matter) must fulfil the following REQUIREMENTS:
1. You must be regular to this forum, and play in atleast a few matches to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations.
2. You must ask for permission to organize a tournament from one of the admins of this site -- Ste, Sangam, Zimrahil or me.

As you can see, you currrently fulfil neither of these requirements, so I would beg you to go to the ONLINE PLAY FORUM, take part in one of the tournaments that are running there, and then you can START thinking of organizing a tournament.


thurya.. u r the most welcome... hope that u'll be there in the next tournament which will start soon....

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