Pakistani is Britains Brightest Student (24 A-level Passes)

Because he's Asian, His parents must be absolutely gutted with those B and C Grades.
Woah, bet the girls are in love with him. Not only is he a good looking bloke with a funny shaped head, he's also majorly intelligent. Bet he's a real hit with the ladies!
You've been working on that sarcasm ;) Pah, anyone at Oxbridge automatically becomes a stuck up pain in the ass and nearly are almost always swats/geeks
Woah, bet the girls are in love with him. Not only is he a good looking bloke with a funny shaped head, he's also majorly intelligent. Bet he's a real hit with the ladies!

I'm hoping he eschews the ladies and goes "all Nicola Tesla".
I had read this before and what struck me is the fact that he took this many in order to attend Oxbridge. I know that those two universities make offers to applicants based normally on 3 A-levels (normally an offer of AAA). They may think positively about a candidate taking 4, as I am planning on doing, but never would they require more. Clearly this was more than about getting into Oxford or Cambridge, as the information I have heard about him would make him a top candidate taking 3/4 A-levels. It makes a nice excuse to say it is because of the unis, but it doesn't stack up.

What I am concerned about as somebody starting A-levels next year is that this paves the way for 5+ A-levels to be taken by more people when it simply isn't necessary. If more start doing it then others will feel the need to follow them, which won't help students attain good grades.

To put this into context, I was discussing with teachers recently whether I should take 4 or 5 AS levels and was told that taking 5 would involve too much work and stop me having a life outside school. Shows how unnecessary 24 A-levels are.
I think this also kinda shows how easy the A level exams are.

If we assume him to be a normal guy of normal intelligence, who spent a few hours each day studying, then if he had to do 24 A Levels...he probably couldn't have scored more than 70-75% in each, maybe in the 80s/90s for a few. And around 70% would have been good enough for an A. That's quite silly.
Quite a naive outlook there, Zorax. I think it's obvious enough to state that someone who did 24 A-levels is above normal intelligence. Then again, you may quantify normal intelligence as something different to me.
Nah, I think he's above normal intelligence. Just thinking, if he were of normal intelligence, then this shows pretty poorly on A levels in general. He's probably some sort of genius though.

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