I have no problem on waiting,all i wish the patch 4 brings us a proper cricket game meanwhile i bought Fifa17 to fill up the spare time.We must have faith on DBC17 as its the only cricket game available.
I also suggest @BigAntStudios to produce an expansion in the future for DBC17 instead of DBC19.An enhanced DBC17 with new feature would be better than a new game imo
How much of this would be fixed if it wasn't for the so called negativity? If we did what the white knight group of forum favourites wanted us to do and just gave BigAnt a gold medal would anything have been fixed at all?
Given members of the 'white knight group' are testing the beta, and being critical of elements of the beta....yes, yes they would be fixed going by that logic
To be honest I'd think we'd have had BigAnt on here more, and more discussion directly with them. They used to be more open with people on here back in the day. The constant whinging by people, and criticising them every time something beyond their control happened lead to them speaking to us less.
The beta exists because of the so called negativity. April is almost over BTW![]()
The beta exists because of the so called negativity. April is almost over BTW![]()
Who cares how much they post on here? If they can't handle the criticism then tough luck. Ross brags about putting anyone on ignore that doesn't fit his strict rules on how to kiss his arse so what's the big deal with it anyway there shouldn't be any negativity on his screen. The game sucked and rightly got called out for it, people that brought up the flaws got shouted down and hounded out but now we are pushing 6 months later to get even the fundamentals of cricket patched in to the game.
And they can't sell an expansion separately? They sold RLL2 World Cup edition separately which IIRC was full priced or it was $50-60 somewhere on that range I remember not buying it because it was a joke that a pretty poor flawed game could have an expansion flogged off for so much as it was the same game as RLL2 just with the world cup added.
The beta exists because of the so called negativity. April is almost over BTW![]()
The beta exists so they can test their new patch actually.
The problem is that it's not "criticism", it's just bile from so many. Big Ant like criticisms, they take them and work with them, but they didn't like was people launching into tirades about how the World is ending because of a bug, or that the game is 1000% unplayable due to this or that.
The thing is, it's not even hard to find people still going for the ridiculous hyperbole, you're doing it right now. It's a good game, with some bugs (particularly around career mode). The cricket is most definitely there, there are things that need to be improved, but its a good game to just play cricket in.
They can sell an expansion separately, and that's really what would be done. As you say, that's how it's generally done with licenced games because it would put customers off for it to be an expansion for a sports game, that's basically unheard of, and the few tried generally have failed or been of poor quality (e.g. EA's FIFA 12 expansion, UEFA Euro 2012 was awful, and to my understanding didn't do all that well).
I take it you never saw Colin Metson keep.
zHas the bowling length issues been addressed in the patch please?
Shhhhh! They are working really really really hard. Time is against them. They have no liberty to read our "pointless" posts anymore. Patience lads, dbc 17 will come out very very soon. Wait!!Here the go big ant are poor they can't even come out and tell us their a delay it the last day and haven't even got the balls to say look it delayed there just going to let it go