PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Changing the cursor is not wrong and please do not start an argument, I am in no mood for it.

In case you didn't already know, re-appearing of cursor happens ONLY when there is lag so this is nothing but exploitation of lag. I even warned you of the lag before the match but as you still joined I was pretty sure you would play fair.

Nevertheless, I am not going to sit over it. Hope you enjoyed batting against some decent bowling. You are good batter actually, and the game would have been quite exciting had you used 'cricketing' tactics only considering its a game and not exploited anything.
and its not just inside wide line.. imagine bowling inside the wide line from round the wicket..is that even possible with swining balls ? if u had a problem with the way i bowl u cud have asked me here..

Well, these are like the obvious things that you don't bowl at the edge of the pitch from round the wicket. I didn't think I had to set the rules and then play the match.

And ya, I am not blaming you of anything. Some players MIGHT be ok with your style of playing just that I am a little old school types and do not tolerate such kind of play even after bowling 20 decent overs.
ok how different is the ball i bowled form u rs with full packed off side field ?except for going round the wicket.. its the same stock delivery u bowled most of time.. and as for setting rules u cud have said abt it after the first over and i wud have responded here on the same..
ok how different is the ball i bowled form u rs with full packed off side field ?except for going round the wicket.. .

Actually there is nothing more to explain in this.

I am done with the issue. Thankyou for your time and patience. I appreciate your concern about the game we had and discussing it out here after the match. Though, I am still of the view that if you can't make out the difference in the quoted text, well what can I say...


PS: It wasn't the round the wicket ~ at the edge bowling. I was actually giving it a genuine go. It was the 'last second re-appearing' of cursor which annoyed me no bounds.
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Well played dabi.Run outs cost me again.:facepalm
Quite a good game otherwise.How do yo put your bat back in the crease to prevent stumpings,i havent quite mastered it yet.
Sorry i couldnt play you rocky but i had made a promise to dabi maybee tomorrow eh.:)
so u r stating that the angle is a problem to play u r shots irrespective of the fact that u and me used the same area to pitch the ball ?

i_am_sunny added 2 Minutes and 41 Seconds later...

@jara u have to press the right arrow key asap after plying the lofted shot; although some times batsmen cannot get back fast enough to beat the keeper
@jaraarrow, dude I already mentioned it here so that you don't do it again and yet you got stumped again in this match! :facepalm just press the button for cancelling a run or going back whilst taking a single. Press it asap!

Yeah good game but I think 4 of your batsmen were run-outs? That is unacceptable man, you as a captain should tell your players not to commit suicide!

Dabi added 0 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...

@Muchmore, still waiting for you to take me up on my challenge mate! You up for a game?

Thanks dabi now i can advance down the wicket in my next game.Hopefully it will be a closer game.
@Dabi : Not this late in the morning, its 3 actually. :p Tomorrow maybe. :)

Btw, I am open to challenges from ANYONE who plays fair and doesn't exploit lag/limitations of the game.

To be honest, this 0 is kinda annoying to me now. Once it changes to 1, I will be playing freely. Till then I put too much pressure on me don't enjoy the game to the fullest. :p LOL Guess whats the pressure international players face every single match. :laugh
@Dabi : Not this late in the morning, its 3 actually. :p Tomorrow maybe. :)

Btw, I am open to challenges from ANYONE who plays fair and doesn't exploit lag/limitations of the game.

To be honest, this 0 is kinda annoying to me now. Once it changes to 1, I will be playing freely. Till then I put too much pressure on me don't enjoy the game to the fullest. :p LOL Guess whats the pressure international players face every single match. :laugh

Okay then! Whenever you're free tomorrow, post here and I will reply asap.

Just for the record, let's get it out of the way: No cursor movements or no wild cursor movements? (I'm assuming you know the difference between the two after playing so much of online games).

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