PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

created 10 over game:)

Can't join it! :(

I'll create one, try mine! Didn't we uised to play earlier?

Dabi added 1 Minutes and 1 Seconds later...

I've created one, tell me if you can join it!
Ah well, I'll stick to jaraarrow then! :p
Hello Dabi:D,hoe are u?

anveshs added 9 Minutes and 50 Seconds later...

Anyone here?

I'm fine mate, sorry I was in a match. How've you been? Up for a game?

Anyone know whether Alok's a quitter?
Well I did, found out the hard way! :) So is Red_Devilz. A last ball quitter at that!

Just came in from work,i will be ready for a game in half an hour if anybodys up for it?

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