PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Sorry everyone

Sorry everyone .i havent been on the forums lately or playing the game.
My 2 young boys are unwell at the minute,spending my time looking after them.
C u all soon.Rocky play u soon my friend.:)
Sorry everyone .i havent been on the forums lately or playing the game.
My 2 young boys are unwell at the minute,spending my time looking after them.
C u all soon.Rocky play u soon my friend.:)

Dont be sorry. Its just a game. Kids and their health is far more important.
are you getting ping?

boney_g added 0 Minutes and 28 Seconds later...

Cant connect :facepalm

boney_g added 1 Minutes and 6 Seconds later...

log out and then create a game
wanna try again rocky?

renoldino added 4 Minutes and 43 Seconds later...

:mad::mad: only one player is online and i cant connect

Yeah AC09 is deserted even on sunday evening:facepalm guess there is only two or three users from US

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