PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

over 2mbps atleast

Holy mother! That's fast:eek::eek:.. (By Indian standards atleast)

But I don't think the lag has anything to do with the internet speed of the user..

vijayanand added 2 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...

Rocky how about it? Like you said, SAF v SRL?

I can take SAF
bowled with stupid medium pacer for last over -.- wally portman who the f is that bowler

i_am_sunny added 0 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

ohh dude i am not in india.. i am in US now ;)
bowled with stupid medium pacer for last over -.- wally portman who the f is that bowler

I always wondered...who is Wally Portman?

vijayanand added 0 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

bowled with stupid medium pacer for last over -.- wally portman who the f is that bowler

i_am_sunny added 0 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

ohh dude i am not in india.. i am in US now ;)

Ahh...no wonder..:facepalm
zEtRa or something

Another quitter into the list

No lag, had him at 0/3 in 0.4

No prozes for guessing what he did next:laugh

vijayanand added 0 Minutes and 51 Seconds later...

:laugh US guys cant play us. Bush effect? :spy

Funny thing you mentioned "Bush"

I always, irresistably get reminded of George W Bush whenever I see Ricky Ponting..

No offence to Punter's fans..:D
where is jaraarrow? Is he playing with himself.
haha max finally quit 28/4 of 3 overs.. needed 60 runs more of 2 overs ;)

i_am_sunny added 0 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...

hey boney u ready for a game ?

Good game dabi.Two stumpings and a dubious run out wrecked my innings otherwise i thought i batted quite well.:facepalm
How do you get your bat back in the crease when the ball goes past the bat.
Thought i had you sweating a bit when you were batting there.:)
I am up for a match.. anyone interested?
i am a bit scared with u r record ;) yea lets have a game though :D my id is : i_am_sunny ..you start the game

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