PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Oh no.. just gotta play decent enough against ANY of the club members not just me. If you get recommended by anyone already on the club, I take you in. :)

And ya, its not about defeating me instead its about :
1) Fair play
2) Have it in you to be able to beat the best(not me, just a general term)

In case you haven't already read about the group.. please click on the link in my signature and there is a little intro about it. :)

MuchMore added 12 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

anyone wants a game?


I am recommending vijayanand's name. I have played 7-8 matches with him. He is a fair player.
I am recommending vijayanand's name. I have played 7-8 matches with him. He is a fair player.

Good enough for me. :)

So, Congrats for making it and Welcome aboard Vijay. :) Feel free to introduce yourself to the group and start a little chit-chat as its quite quiet as of yet.

Looking forward to playing you soon. :)
if you 'downloaded' the game, can you play against someone who as well has downloaded the game, or it dosent matter

ive tried and it said unable to connect host to the other person.

Had him 85 for 9(20 over game)lost connection to player.,:mad:Askshay_sawani was 17 for 4 fron 8 overs when he lost his connection.Roll on this patch.
Now played over an hour on this game today without completing a match.
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Dabi did you just kick me:eek:

Yeah mate, I'm sorry but I did. I was trying to solve the 'ping' problem with my friend. We were both trying to different things to check when we can join each other's games and when we can't! That's why I kicked you. Sorry mate! :(
10 over game anyone.

Anyone fancy a 10 over game?I have just connected my wireless router(normally play online with modem so if i disconnect any time tonight i apologise in advance.Ps has anyone ever played sfaisal12,he is the best player(bowler) of spin i have came across so far.I couldnt handle him,i bowled him out for 120(20 overs)he bowled my entire team out for 86 with his spin attack.
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i_am_sunny added 1 Minutes and 52 Seconds later...

anvesh i dont see u r game :)

Ah anvesh sorry,probably from my end i think,this wireless router.:facepalm

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