Auction Pool D - Bowlers
- Abishak Prabu - abishakprabu - @abishakprabu Base Price $7,000
The Demons -
The Saints -
Xtremely Xplicit -
Sky Hawks - $9,000

The Demons -
The Saints -
Xtremely Xplicit - $11,000

- Pepe McEarth - Pepe McEarth - @Prithvi Base Price $7,000

The Demons - $11,000

The Saints - $13,000

Xtremely Xplicit -
Sky Hawks -
The Demons - $11,000
The Saints - $13,000
Xtremely Xplicit -
The Demons - $11,000

The Saints - $13,000

Xtremely Xplicit -
Sky Hawks -
The Demons -
The Saints - $12,000
Xtremely Xplicit -
The Demons -
The Saints - $12,000
Xtremely Xplicit -
Sky Hawks - $9,000 
The Demons -
The Saints -
Xtremely Xplicit - $11,000

The Demons -
The Saints -
Xtremely Xplicit - $11,000

- Franklin Kapry - TheAuthor - @The Author Base Price $9,000
The Demons - $9,000
The Saints -
Xtremely Xplicit -
- Anthony Davids - Akshay291 - @Akshay291 Base Price $7,000
The Demons -
The Saints -
Xtremely Xplicit -
Sky Hawks -
The Demons - $7,000
The Saints -
Xtremely Xplicit -
The Demons - $7,000
The Saints -
Xtremely Xplicit -
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