Percent of Game Done?

I've actually been sent the full version of the game. The TAOC team is finished and are not going to make anymore changes. They didn't want me telling you guys but I figured it was common courtesy. If you want the download link, PM me.

lol, yeah, April 1st was long ago...nice joke dude.

legend_master added 0 Minutes and 33 Seconds later...

Updated, 79.233%

lol, thats actually quite accurate imho ;)
Can anyone tell me when this game is going to release?
Game progress is looking very decent and things look like they're going along well.

And I know how frustrating it can be. I struggled making a maths game in C++ and Visual Basic let alone making something like this would probably be very, very... and oh so very difficult.

Keep up the good work though.
The major work is done. I don't think it will take another 18 months to release it.

if that was a joke
its not funny

6 x Afridi added 0 Minutes and 47 Seconds later...

i think they are just going to release the game

the first dude is totally wrong its not going to rlease in 2010 i am expecting end of a year or beginning of 2009. the game will be tested before release by people to fix any bugs and other stuff
82.333% (the three is recurring, I just couldn't be bothered typing it infinity times)
Have you guys ever heard of beta or alpha testing? Why can you put out a community (testing) release already? You'd sure not want this to be like any of the ea games where after release they find so many buys because of improper testing!

I'm a new member here and saw that this game was in the making for a long (long) time. It would sure suck if you *just* release it only to disappoint your fans. What you should do it put together a release theme and give members of pc an opportunity to test it out. Because a group of 10 people can't find all most of the bugs.
They know what the bugs are at this point because they are rather apparent. Enough of the game hasn't been completed for it to be tested by other members because they know they're not going to get positive comments at this stage. If anything, it will make them indifferent about making this game. Bottom line, just wait. I do think legend_master and jkartik have day jobs so you can't expect this to take priority.

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