Planetcricket Awards 2005 - Voting and Discussion

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Lol....I think squiz and brad might like to get in on this :p
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ZoraxDoom said:
Lol....I think squiz and brad might like to get on this :p
Nah Brad loves viewing this kind of entertaining dry-humour on the forums and squiz always likes to have a chuckle. :)
Today the Skateboarder2 Party launched its Awards Campaign in a glittering room in North Norwich in England.

Skateboarder2, leader of the party, gave this speech:
"I think you should vote for me as Best Young Member because I am only 12 years old and I still make thoughtful and intelligent posts in everything I make. I also am good to the staff by posting in good and understandable English with not many spelling mistakes and no 'TXT' language whatsoever. I have helped people with my kits for Cricket 2004, and many other things."

Voting has now begun and this is the first of three Voting Pleas made by the party before the Awards ceremony.
andrew_nixon said:
I don't need to launch a campaign, I've got the Bush 2000 election team on my side, fresh from their recent assignment in Zimbabwe.
Nixon is a pro at attaining potential voters isn't he?
Anyone voted for me? Just curious. And i was wondering whether there is a chance of bribery here like Laloo Prasad Yadav did to get vote. Give money for vote. [here it might be reputation points instead of money] :D

P.S. i had no mind to do so though. Dont get me wrong. Because it is my belief that 6 out of 10 sentences are misunderstood by people [ i am not sure how far it is correct though. One of my new facts.]
andrew_nixon said:
I don't need to launch a campaign, I've got the Bush 2000 election team on my side, fresh from their recent assignment in Zimbabwe.

I wondered why you were leading in so many categories... You been to Togo recently as well?

The Champ said:
Why cant someone give regular updates of whats the situation in polls so far, who's leading and who isnt that will make much more interest among the nominees

We've been telling you which are close but we want it to be a suprise when we actually announce the winners.
Skateboarder2 said:
Today the Skateboarder2 Party launched its Awards Campaign in a glittering room in North Norwich in England.

Skateboarder2, leader of the party, gave this speech:
"I think you should vote for me as Best Young Member because I am only 12 years old and I still make thoughtful and intelligent posts in everything I make. I also am good to the staff by posting in good and understandable English with not many spelling mistakes and no 'TXT' language whatsoever. I have helped people with my kits for Cricket 2004, and many other things."

Voting has now begun and this is the first of three Voting Pleas made by the party before the Awards ceremony.

Yeah? Well look at me.I'm like 5 months younger.I make AI patches.I help members.I've been nominated in the Most Helpful Member Category(Have You?).And I don't make spelling mistakes either :D


Only thing you do that I don't are the kits.But then again you don't make AI Patches ;)
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