Planetcricket Awards Results : Day 2

congrats to one and all who were named in this poll. You deserved them and thank you for your patches, which has helped this community to enhance their cricket 2004 game.
Good job guys--but we must be a touch disappointed with the voter turnout. :p I wonder how many active members are actually on this site. Surely more than 70-80 people must have voted?
gr8 job bharat and dazza

i've voted for both u guys
i'm happy u guys won
Congratulations Bharat and dazza, user created content is a large part of this site and it's good to see such high quality contributions :)
Congratualtions to both Bharath and Dazza for providing some stunning asthetic elements to the game. You are deserved to win. Enjoy...

Thanks for all those who voted for me :cheers

do I get some title?
You get 'PC 2005 Awards Best Download Thread' as your user title I think...

Congratulations mate, I've always admired your work!

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