do you guys really think that i would roleclaim as abhas if i was mafia?that would just make everyone lynch me and town will get an advantage.(thats what we want)
I really think that if you really were townie, you would not be cracking that joke in the first place. I mean it means drawing unnecessary attention towards yourself.
I was mafia in the last two games and I've realized that I'm a little too soft in my approach, which even makes the townies think at times that I'm a mafia.In the last two games I was mafia but before those two games I was townie but still the townies lynched me. That means that my game play isn't the best and that's mainly because my regular game play is to be quite, which isn't really helpful for townies, it works when you're mafia though.
As I'm a townie this time around, I've decided that I will be more useful then I've been in the last few games, where I've been a townie.
Don't quite know what to make out of this - Rather an interesting to say.
I have not seen any insightful posts from you yet. So you are still playing your quiet game in my opinion.