PlanetCricket Mafia | Endgame!

I know who Spoobir is and who Abhas is.

Bet the suspense is killing you all, isn't it :p
I know who I am, so that's half the suspense gone.. And, I'm sure you know who Spoobir is, so there goes the second half :p
Vote Count:

Spoobir (7) - Abhas, Varun, simsanta123, P Squared, BKB1991, CG123, Ollie_H
Abhas (1) - Spoobir
riz7khan12 (1) - Highlander999

Day 4 forums,
Other Games Stories.​

He was there, he knew he was right. He told them, there was confusion. Some believed him while others not. He put on some ridiculous things ahead, no one cared though.

But, he (the other one) was vary. He was under the fire. People wanted to know who he was. He claimed to be the story forum mod. Did anyone believe him?

I don't believe you, you have a 'weak' claim, said Ollie as he hammered Spoobir. Spoobir fell down, dead. Who he was? Who?

'I'll let you know after I've my evening snacks.'

Lazy b-a-a-a-s-t-e-r-r-r-rd, said Ollie. (Point noted, one step closer to being mod-killed :p)

Well, Spoobir was -


Mark, the Godfather, Mafia aligned

You try your hardest to undermine the system, baiting other members and in general, are a pain for the moderators. You have been banned a number of times for multiple offenses but keep coming back for more.

Hence, you are the 'mafia godfather.' Each night you can choose one person who you want to kill. There is also one mafia member out there who you can recruit. He knows who you are but you do not know who he is. Each night you can also send me the name of a person you wish to recruit. If you are successful, that person will join your team. Because you were awarded the ?Best Post Contributor award at the PC Awards, you will turn up town aligned the first time you are investigated.

You win if you stay alive till the end and all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

Night 4 now, Send in your roles to Chewie and me as well.

24 hours time, starts now.​
ok I'll leave it open for a little bit for you to post your happiness
Good choice in the end then! His claim was definitely the weaker of the two so was definitely the right choice to get rid him and that's been backed up by the fact he was Mark.

That gives us more to go with now for the next day period, can't be much to go now :D.

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