PlanetCricket Mafia | Endgame!

In the previous game, I was not really happy by the way townies played in the early stages of the game. You and me both were in the mafia team and you do know that we were going pretty well in the last game, only in the early stages though. :p Basically what I want to say is, lynching someone without any solid evidence is really not what I prefer. We often kill a townie by this method but as I mentioned earlier, even a small mistake can get you lynched and that's what happens on day 1.

You don't really get a solid evidence on Day 1. Also, I perceive that your manner is quite different from the last two games.
I said this in the previous game on D1 and I say it again, lynching anyone on day 1 is not at all a good idea. There have been instances where a mafia is killed, but in most of the cases the chances are that we may kill a townie.
Scum hunting on day 1 often backfires.

And I'm not suspicious of Vedarshi, seems as if he was just joking.
Lynch: No lynch
I was mafia in the last two games and I've realized that I'm a little too soft in my approach, which even makes the townies think at times that I'm a mafia. :p In the last two games I was mafia but before those two games I was townie but still the townies lynched me. That means that my game play isn't the best and that's mainly because my regular game play is to be quite, which isn't really helpful for townies, it works when you're mafia though. :p As I'm a townie this time around, I've decided that I will be more useful then I've been in the last few games, where I've been a townie.
I said this in the previous game on D1 and I say it again, lynching anyone on day 1 is not at all a good idea. There have been instances where a mafia is killed, but in most of the cases the chances are that we may kill a townie.
Scum hunting on day 1 often backfires.

And I'm not suspicious of Vedarshi, seems as if he was just joking.
Lynch: No lynch

The problem is unless a revelation happens on night 1 we are likely to be in a similar position on day 2 as well. Discussion on whether a person is mafia or not is very vital when it comes to the later stages.
The problem is unless a revelation happens on night 1 we are likely to be in a similar position on day 2 as well. Discussion on whether a person is mafia or not is very vital when it comes to the later stages.

In fact you could say for just about every period. I mean what if there is 1 cop, he's got a 1/3 in chance to find something assuming it's 6 mafia/anti-town in the game which means we could be waiting until day 4 before we might have any evidence against even anyone.

Later on in the game it's possible to actually read a lot in to the opening few days of the game when there has been investigating and poking around.

so, lynch: Yudi
I'm glad that the sign-ups were finshed before I had a chance to change my mind. I really don't need any distractions with all the exams I've got coming up.

Plus, good move on revealing the roles at the time of death :thumbs Don't have to wait till end game to see what the roles were :p
Nice starting write up. And as usual, Vedarshi again putting suspicion on himself on the very first day. :lol


And Zorax seems a little too happy with his role...hmm. :spy
Just because I said that I am not suspicious of Vedarshi doesn't mean that I'm protecting him. I simply feel that people are targeting him for a silly reason.

@BKB: May be you are right, but this time the entire roles will be revealed and so it shouldn't be long before we get some substantial information.
The entire role pm will be posted, with some edits where necessary
go ahead,anyways we dont have any newbie to pressurize right now so we should lynch someone atleast.

This was mentioned before but it seems like he doesn't care if he's lynched, and then he says "anyways" as though he's diverting the attention...

Lynch Vedarshi
Interesting start to this day.
We have Verdashi do a claim on abhas (quite an interesting strategy, because it puts him in the centre of attention)

But my vote is not going to him but rather the mod of the last game
Lynch: Varun
Aditya, As I learnt in the prev. game, solid evidence is hardly needed or used, especially in the earlier stages. ;)

I wonder who taught you that last game. :p

Vedarshi doesn't really seem to learn, every game on the first day he somehow manages to make more or less everyone suspicious of him. I'm not trying to defend him, but atm I think we should be looking for other clues instead of just lynching him for his noobness. Of course we can always resort back to lynching/pressuring him if we don't get anywhere, as he's not going to be much help unless he has a power role, and even then he might struggle with it.

You don't really get a solid evidence on Day 1. Also, I perceive that your manner is quite different from the last two games.

Can you expand on this? He was mafia in the last two games right, and after three or so posts you're saying that he's playing differently? Sorry, I'm not really sure what you mean, so just clarifying.

I'm going to follow what Ollie said though. Where's it going to get us Yudi just going no lynch, we'll be in the exact same position tomorrow as we are now, unless the cop(/tracker/whoever else) has a stab in the dark and finds something. Also it's not often a town player is actually killed, unless he's got a brain like The Rock, if someone's town and they're going to die it's common sense to roleclaim so you don't die.

Lynch: Yudi

For the record Matt121 has still only made one post in the thread as well.
I have a feeling my role would be something nasty.. with the combined wrath of User and Chewie. Good luck Abhas :p

We just love you :p


ARay and Matt121 still to confirm receiving their roles.

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