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Chairman of Selectors
Dec 30, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned
If anyone has something to say about these players on ICC please do so

Alastair Cook
Alexander Loudon
Ashley Giles
Christopher Tremlett
Gareth Batty
Geraint Jones
Ian Blackwell
James Benning
James Foster
James Hildreth
Jamie Dalrymple
Jamie Troughton
Kabir Ali
Liam Plunkett
Michael Carberry
Michael Munday
Michael Yardy
Owais Shah
Ravinder Bopara
Robert Key
Sajid Mahmood
Scott Newman
Simon Jones
Stephen Moore
Steven Davies
Stuart Broad
Vikram Solanki
Will Jefferson

Alastair Cook - use him as your keeper! good batsman, doesnt miss many chances as a keeper either.
Alexander Loudon - took 7-60 odd in a warm up game once, so a useful player
Ashley Giles - leave him out on the 2006 version, as there are better spinners. but on any version from 2000-2005, he was englands best bowler of any type.
Christopher Tremlett - never used him
Gareth Batty - no chance
Geraint Jones - waste of time
Ian Blackwell - one day finisher in the Bevan mould. also scores test runs if given a chance
James Benning - never used him
James Foster - never used him
James Hildreth - ah, so much promise. but that was 3 years ago. played some tests for me on the 2005 version, did well.
Jamie Dalrymple - excellent one day player
Jamie Troughton - no idea
Kabir Ali - in 2005 version, once took 15 wickets in a test match in India
Liam Plunkett - takes wickets, but expensive. who says ICC isnt realistic?
Michael Carberry - no clue
Michael Munday - seems to take lots of wickets. likely to get an england call up from me soon
Michael Yardy - no clue
Owais Shah - dunno. played one test for me on an old version, scored a 50, got injured, never played again
Ravinder Bopara - dunno
Robert Key - dunno
Sajid Mahmood - i wouldnt play him
Scott Newman - who?
Simon Jones - injured. and he'll have a job coming back now with my bowling attack as it is
Stephen Moore - dont know
Steven Davies - not used him
Stuart Broad - promise....
Vikram Solanki - why?
Will Jefferson - very tall. he scored lots of county runs on the 2005 version, even made the test squad for me, but never made the 11.
Stuart Broad-god,seriously he's got me nearly 300 test wickets and averages under 20 in ODI's for about 250 wickets
I can only tell you about ICC 2005, as there really was no point in getting 2006.

Alastair Cook - Pretty good, in some games he's amazing, in others just very good in county cricket and not so good in internationals.
Alexander Loudon - I've always found him pretty average.
Ashley Giles - Easily England's best spinner for a good few years.
Christopher Tremlett - generally gets wickets cheaply, very good in county cricket, just good in internationals.
Gareth Batty - decent in county cricket, pretty rubbish in internationals.
Geraint Jones - does alright, gets a decent amount of runs, always seems to start to decline in my games after a few years.
Ian Blackwell - always fairly rubbish in my games.
James Benning - never used him.
James Foster - Was solid for me in my Essex game, never played him for England.
James Hildreth - Pretty good in county cricket.
Jamie Dalrymple - Did ok when I was Middlesex, never played him for England.
Jamie Troughton - Always amazing for anyone who isn't controlled by me it seems.
Kabir Ali - Excellent in county cricket for me, not particularly good for England if I'm them, but can be quite good when I'm not.
Liam Plunkett - Was fairly rubbish when I was Durham. always got runs, but his bowling was pretty hit and miss.
Michael Carberry - Useful county player.
Michael Munday - Never used him.
Michael Yardy - never used him.
Owais Shah - Always gets me decent runs in County cricket, have never used him internationally.
Ravinder Bopara - Didn't use him much in my Essex game.
Robert Key - Always fairly average for England if I used him.
Sajid Mahmood - Rubbish.
Scott Newman - Awesome, consistent run scorer for England and counties.
Simon Jones - Some games he gets wickets, others he struggles.
Stephen Moore - Pretty good county player.
Steven Davies - Never used him.
Stuart Broad - Fairly rubbish stats, but I've never used him.
Vikram Solanki - Meh.
Will Jefferson - Awesome in county cricket, decent for England.
i told u i dont listen to u talking about broad post a screenie
people need to start believing me! averages just over 20 now though

these are the players out of the list ive tryed

Alastair Cook - fantastic player, 20 test centuries for me and only 27
Alexander Loudonn - very useful player, great back up on tour
Ashley Giles - poor, get monty and munday in before him
Christopher Tremlett - never cut the mustard for me, dissapointing
Geraint Jones - terrible!!! do not play him!!!!
Ian Blackwell - allways fails with the bat for me, but other people rate him highly
Jamie Dalrymple - another very useful player on tour
Kabir Ali - po, avrage over 35 tests
Liam Plunkett - got the only hattrick ive ever had!!!!!!, but very expensive
Michael Munday - legand!!!! had 400 test wickets on a game for me but files got curropted, on the game im now playing hes got about 150 test victims but still young
Robert Key - great county player, useful in test
Sajid Mahmood - another great county player, bit expensive in ODI's
Simon Jones - very good, i should really play him more than i do
Stuart Broad - decent bowler, my back up for anderson
Vikram Solanki - great county player, not played at international level
Alastair Cook - Excellent, excellent, excellent. Definately a great player to have in a team.
Ashley Giles - Overrated, but that meant he was pretty good, both with bat and ball. Especially in one dayers.
Christopher Tremlett - A nusiance. It's so difficult to score off him. But he doesn't rip through lineups, or atleast never did when I played him.
Geraint Jones - Suprisingly good bat, not a bad keeper.
Ian Blackwell - Same as above, although replace keeper with bowler.
James Benning - Not so good, scores slowly and in the middle order. I realise he is a big deal, hard-hitting opener in RL, but he is just an average batsman here...
James Foster - Useful bat, excellent keeper. Definately a good player.
Kabir Ali - Very good bowler who can bat.
Liam Plunkett - Same as above, but quite expensive too.
Michael Yardy - Average batsman, not a very good bowler, not worth it.
Owais Shah - Quite a good bat.
Ravinder Bopara - Not a very good batsman, but an economical bowler. Useful youth, handy, but not great.
Robert Key - Killer batsman, and a suprisingly good spin option!
Sajid Mahmood - Expensive bowler, but has his days. Can bat a bit too.
Simon Jones - A good bowler, but never gets selected for England.
Vikram Solanki - Very good bat and a great fielder too.
Will Jefferson - Solid batsman, always scores well. As a bowler, he is incredibly expensive, but always takes wickets! A useful partnership breaker.

All the players I have used or faced a lot. ICC 05.
Try Ken Osborne(spinner), if you can find him. He has been awesome for me (playing as Essex) and he performed good for England whenever he got picked.
you must play loudon, he has a batting average of 60 i think, and a bowling average of 30, he is useful batting at 6-8
lancashire666 said:
never heard of him, he sounds like a youth

I have posted a screenshot of his performance in my review of Essex--2009 season
Leicester Fox said:
Stuart Broad-god,seriously he's got me nearly 300 test wickets and averages under 20 in ODI's for about 250 wickets
hes a freak for me too
Ian Blackwell - In my first 11 at Yorkshire, and a consistent middle order bat for me in CC. I bat him @ 4 in CC games, and around the same position n ODIs too. Scored heavily against me when i didn't have him in my squad in 2006. A very underestimated left-arm spinner, can be economical in ODIs.
Rating: Very Good

Jamie Dalrymple - Again, not usually in the playing 11, since i have better players than him. I'm just beginning to use him, and as others have commented, i find him good in ODIs. Scores quick. Not tried him as a bowler yet.
Rating: Good

(Screenies coming for the above soon in my Yorks-2007 season review)

Robert Key - I've played against him quite a few times and didn't find it difficult to dismiss him, though he did get a century in CC once.
Rating: Average.

Michael Yardy - Found him difficult to get rid off when i played against him. Kept getting 50s against me quite consistently.
Rating: Good

Alexander Loudon - Batting-wise, i could knock him over pretty easily, bowling was not up to the mark. Usually bowled against me in ODIs and i could smack him all over.
Rating: Poor

Ashley Giles - A fine left arm spinner, i was usually on guard against him. A dogged batsman, he could stick around for a few.
Rating: Good

Christopher Tremlett - Someone i looked forward to getting quick runs off. Useless with the bat
Rating: Poor

Gareth Batty - Usually does well in the limited version of the game, a difficult bowler to score off. Once saved a CC game for his side with the bat, when i had 1 wicket to get.
Rating: Good

Geraint Jones - Don't know about his keeping abilities since he doesen't play for me. I hold him in high regard as an opposition batsman, for me it's better to get rid off him quickly, else he scores quick in any form.
Rating: Good

James Benning - Found him a decent player (opener, if i remember correct) for Surrey. Definitely one for the future.
Rating: Average

Jamie Troughton - Again, someone in the Yardy mode, scored quite a few runs
agaisnt me at a good clip.
Rating: Good

Scott Newman - Dangerous batsmen, if he gets going, you're in trouble as an opposition. Hope to get him over to Yorkshire some time.
Rating: Very Good

Vikram Solanki - Not too much trouble in getting rid off him, yet to face his bowling.
Rating: Poor

William Jefferson - In my opinion, a consistent, reliable player, who can play a good supporting act. Not capable of winning matches on his own though.
Rating: Good

Haven't played against the others enough to make a comment.
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Alexander Loudon - Was going to say not much, but has just scored 4x100s in his last four innings for me tonight (normally my 2nd reserve batsman. never used him to bowl before....might have to try that)

Christopher Tremlett/Liam Plunkett - One of these is now my 4th quick. heaps of wickets, but goes at 6!!! an over in FC.

Michael Munday - Never heard of him, but noticed he has 560 domestic wickets (I'm in 2010), and he's only 26!

Sajid Mahmood - Played one test (I was captain), took 7-26, and 0-142 (they made 590 to win batting best part of three days :( and was never selected again.

Scott Newman - Now 30, has been in the top 5 batsmen every year since his debut. (And only player to have made a OD double century.) **He did it twice in the same season, the second time making his first 50 in just 22 balls**

Stuart Broad - Reliable bowler, always gets 1-2 wickets, doesn't go for much. Taken 200 odd wickets, and only 3 fivers.

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