Please help me! - Cricket 2002 help needed


School Cricketer
Jul 17, 2002
Online Cricket Games Owned

I have recently bought the game and it won't work, it installs fine and loads fine, I get to see the preview of the game that runs while it is loading and change things on all the menu's, view the squads etc. BUT when I try and play a game or even go to the nets it does the usual EA thing of filling in the bar as the game loads but then the screen goes black and quits back to the desktop :(

I have a pentium3 850mhz with 128mb ram, windows xp professional and the latest drivers for my graphics card. Anyone have any ideas? I really would be grateful for any help.

have u beenwatching too much of men in black lately
nevermind go and see if there is a solution there should be oneea sports
What??? No EA site has nothing that I can see that would be helpful, that is why I asked for help!!! If you have more specific details about where on the site I could find help...

What is the MIB comment, no I haven't seen it and can't see any reference to it in my comment! Can you explain what you meant?

Hey Sangamm,
The same problem happens at one of my friend's place but the game comes to the desktop only after some overs and is not periodic.... I mean there is no time after which it regularly happens !
I have tried updating all drivers, all directx stuff, all resolutions , all overclocking AGP techniques. I think it has to do something with XP professional and the way the game is programmed.....
Just try and change the resolution and adjust it to 640x480 pixels with 16-bit & run the game.....

Well I have taken all the advice, got the newest drivers for all my cards, windows xp professional and directx9 (tried 8 and 8.1). Tried playing game with all settings set to least taxing on the computer and still the same problem, pretty miffed that I have emailed EA too but no response, great customer service!


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