Please Please Please help me

Crazy Cricket

School Cricketer
Jan 5, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned
I recently bought the BLIC 2005 game, and i haven't been able to play a game on it yet. When ever i start a game, the game shuts down, i dont get a chance to bat or bowl. everything before the start of an actual game works fine. Has anyone else had this problem?? And does anyone know how to resolve this problem :upray !!! I can play in the nets for all the time I want and a classic match. But in the classic match as soon as I dont hit 4 runs it crashes :crying .
Firstly, what are your system specs? Does an error message come up?
The problem here is probably that you need to update your driver for your graphics card.
Specs are your computers specifications, they should be in a book that came with your pc, or on the front of your tower thing.
Go control panel and then go to system. Your specs are there ;)
My Computer Information - General

Please wait while information is being collected...

100% (collecting Local Disk information)

Refresh screen
Dell Computer Corporation
System Model: DIM4500
BIOS Version: Intel Corp. A03

Operating System
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version: 5.1.2600
Service Pack: 0.0
Location: C:\WINDOWS
PID: 55277-OEM-0011903-00102
Hot Fix: Q329115

Memory (RAM)
Capacity: 256 MB

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.53GHz
Version: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4
Speed: 2525 MHz

General Computer Info
Domain: MSHOME
Time Zone: GMT Standard Time
Connection: Workstation (standalone)
Proxy Server: Auto
IP Address:
IPX Address: Not Enabled

Local Disk
Total Capacity: 37.21 GB
Sum of Hard Disks: (C: )
Used: 10.45 GB

Free: 26.76

That is what is in my "specs"
Sounds like an Intel 845 chipset then, maybe with the integrated graphics. That's not so hot. Can you just do Start/Run/dxdiag , and then click on the 'Display' tab. Tell us what 'Name' and 'Manufacturer' you get in the 'Device' box at the top left?
Couple of other ideas:
Try re-installing the sound drivers
Did you try re-installing the game yet? Maybe it got corrupted somehow?
Many other people have had problems with the GeForce MX 420, there should be a thread about it to help every poor soul with that card! Check around all the other help threads and you will find something.

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