Powerstation tips


Chairman of Selectors
Mar 21, 2005
Redditch, England
Online Cricket Games Owned
Guys I've had tips from my powerstation mag test them and see if they work for you :D .
credit to powerstation.


Pace bowling
Fast bowlers are by far the most dangerous in brian lara international cricket 2005 and it is likely that they will be responsible for taking the most, if not all of your wickets. in order to maximize the effect of a fast bowler, it is important to manipulate the failed setting efficienly. For speed bowlers, the best settings by far are the attacking formations, with variation 4 proving especially useful. Bowl from around the wicket and look to bang the ball in short so that it bounces up into the batsmans body.
There are two big advantages to this. Firstly, if the batter tries to play a defensive shot on the backfoot, there is a chance that the ball will be caught by one of the close fielders. Secondly, there's an excellent chance that the ball will bounce up into the body of the batsman, but also raise that of the bowler. As such, the bowler should max his confidence meter out quite quickly.
When this has been done, use the R2 button to deliver a fuller ball that will pitch on or around the stumps.
Used to facing shorter balls, this may well surprise the batter, and there is a very good chance of clean-bowling him or catching him LBW.

Spin bowling
Spin bowling is generally not as successful as pace bowling in the game, although it can still be used to good effect.
it tends to work best using a defesive field setting and relies on coaxing the batsman into lashing out in the deep failed.
It is also possible to clean-bowl, but unlike pace bowling there is no set technique to use that guarantees wickets.
As a rule it pays to vary things every once in a while. This can confuse a batsman who is caught in a routine and may be suprised by a delivery that is very different to the 10 or 20 that have preceded it.
For example,continually bowling slow leg-spinners that pitch near the batsmans feet may lull him into routine-but suddenly reversing the spin or pitching a shorter ball can completely befuddle the guy.
This tends to be the best way to take wickets using spin,
but it can be an expensive method to employ - generally, fast bowling is the way to go.

Other tips

At the end of each over, hawk-eye will show a summary of the over you have just delivered. Study this closely to see if you are happy with the line and length you are consistenly bowling to miss the stumps, this won't happen!

It is important to master catching and throwing, as neglecting these basic skills can result in unnecessary runs being sacrificed. Stopping the marker in the hot zone will result in a sound catch/good throw,and they don't say
'catchs win matches for nothing, you know...

Change it around
If you are not have much success with your bowling, and no wicket has fallen for some time, it can be a great idea to change things completely.
A new bowler with different field settings can take batsmen by surpise if they are used to a certain set of conditions. you will be amazed how a sudden breakthrough can be made simply by varing what you do."

I will be back tomorrow with the batting tips

P.S I apoigise for bad spelling mistakes I typed it myself because I have no scanner

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