ps2 or pc? good/bad/****?


Club Cricketer
Jan 12, 2004
Leeds , UK
Online Cricket Games Owned
im in the uk and waiting for the game to come out in feb. but reading this website makes me wonder whether to buy it. are all the bugs apparent on the ps2? which is better version ps2 or pc. coz editing it on pc sounds good. is it as bad as ppl say or is it worse than 2002? and finally can someone please explain what patching pc game is all about and how easily could i do it?is it easy to do?

answers greatly appreciated.
It might be an idea for you to wait and see if EA produce a patch. The game is still playable without but certainly has a much shorter lifespan and is frankly not worth the money.
The patching possibilities include gameplay and some gfx.
Ravi has produced superb gameplay patches which obviously will only work on the PC version. In terms of graphics modding, we will be able to replace the kits which is the main thing. There are only 25 faces in the game currently so unless we can find a way to add more replacing them is fairly pointless. Numbers unfortunately cannot be replaced and customised a la C2k2. They're in a tranparent format which means that every team uses the same numbers so we obviously can't put names on the back. We ought to be able to replace the stumps without any difficulty and the same goes for minor things like the ball and pitch. (bats can be easily replaced and have been already.)
The only other thing worth replacing gfx wise are the pitch ads which are in the transparant EA format again and will be quite hard to do straight away. Most of the modders time will probably be taken up trying to find a way to overcome all the bugs EA has landed us with...
Hope this helps. Pray for a patch and buy the PC version as the PS2 one is just as buggy but without any chance of being fixed.
do you own the game if so how have you got it? aslo can you buy an adapter to use your ps2 controller with the pc version?same controls and everything?
I have the PC version ordered from Australia. I play it using a gamepad with the same controls as the PS2 which you can get from any computer shop for about ?15/20 (mine is now 5 years old and has done me through pretty much every game going). You'd have to check with them if you could use your PS2 controller on the PC although I doubt it very much.
could you enlighten me on using a patch, where id get it from and how easy it would be for me use one
There are loads of different kinds of patches. Patch is essentially a generic term for any modification to the original game be if gameplay, gfx or source based.
The only patches released so far for Cricket2004 are a gameplay one by Ravi and a bat pack (which replaces the default EA bats). Most patches will come with installation instructions and people will always be on hand to help.
i really appreciate all your help thanks. ive downloaded version2,3 and the reversals but it wont let me download the bat pack for some reason
yeh thanks man that one worked, all i need now is the game!
youve convinced me to get the pc version rather than ps2, simply because of the editing value. if i have version 2 patch, version 3 and the bats will that be me sorted?
Opinion is divided. A lot of new features (not all of which work) but very buggy. Have a browse of the various threads in this forum...
yeh i have been doing and nothing makes me optimistic but i really want it cos 2002 was ok for awhile and i need a cricket game. im a big cricket fan and want something that looks reasonable and plays good. the main problem i had with 2002 was you couldnt beat the bat and get catches in slip as often as u would in real life, hows 2004 fair?
There aren't many patches out yet. We're all hoping for an EA patch to fix the more serious bugs. There are definitely more edges although I'm probably the wrong person to ask as I've not had time to play the game much.

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