Review [PS3] The next game should have....


School Cricketer
Dec 26, 2009
Online Cricket Games Owned
hi everyone i am new to this and i just feel though mostly ashes 09 was brilliant on the ps3 there was some major negatives which must be dealt with for the new verison.
so please if you think of any new ideas post them here for PS3 PLAYERS!!!

i feel

1- ipl, australian and english county teams must be added.
2- customisation of stadiums, kits and players to be precise.
3- unlimitted points to customise with for player skills.
4- creation of new teams should be available unlike just being alotted 4 spots.
5 new game modes like season mode to take a team to the top by being captain.
6- another mode of just playing as one player in the team.
7- creation of new tournaments properly not just from quarter final.
8- ability of one day series and country tours.
9- downloads of updated kits and teams.
10- correct names for players.
11- also world events like world cup should be added.

thats most of what i feel should be added...

feel free to correct me and add more to that!
hi everyone i am new to this and i just feel though mostly ashes 09 was brilliant on the ps3 there was some major negatives which must be dealt with for the new verison.
so please if you think of any new ideas post them here for PS3 PLAYERS!!!

i feel

1- ipl, australian and english county teams must be added.
2- customisation of stadiums, kits and players to be precise.
3- unlimitted points to customise with for player skills.
4- creation of new teams should be available unlike just being alotted 4 spots.
5 new game modes like season mode to take a team to the top by being captain.
6- another mode of just playing as one player in the team.
7- creation of new tournaments properly not just from quarter final.
8- ability of one day series and country tours.
9- downloads of updated kits and teams.
10- correct names for players.
11- also world events like world cup should be added.

thats most of what i feel should be added...

feel free to correct me and add more to that!

Yes, Yes it should :) see the main suggestion thread for my reasons ;)
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Content, content and more content. Right now, after the Ashes have been and gone, the game feels like an empty shell - very much one of those EA style games for World Cups and the like - you play them a lot during the tournament, but hardly touch it again thereafter. I've learned my lesson now, and won't buy the next in the series unless it has a whole lot more content and isn't solely aimed at one tournament in particular. I don't buy 'em for any sport as I consider them not to be worth the price of a proper release.
Content, content and more content. Right now, after the Ashes have been and gone, the game feels like an empty shell - very much one of those EA style games for World Cups and the like - you play them a lot during the tournament, but hardly touch it again thereafter. I've learned my lesson now, and won't buy the next in the series unless it has a whole lot more content and isn't solely aimed at one tournament in particular. I don't buy 'em for any sport as I consider them not to be worth the price of a proper release.

I actually managed to resist it this time. Ashes 09 was utter garbage in its released state. I waited for reviews of the patch, and when that was positive, I purchased the PC game.

It really pays to wait a few weeks, or even a month or two, to read the reviews of other hardcore cricket gamers.

If Jamie Firth tries once again to use deceit with the release of the next game, it's time to bring back the old English technique of "drawing and quartering". That should at least begin to make up for the injustice of William Wallace's punishment.
Career mode - develop your own player/team
Stats tracking is an absolute must.

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