Quite a big problem with internet


ICC President
Apr 15, 2006
Hi guys.

I've got quite a big problem with my internet on my laptop. I'm on wireless and have a good connection to the router (all green bars showing) but yet half the pages I try and connect to don't work. Any search engine (google, yahoo) I use doesn't work, it just sits there thinking with nothing happening. I can't access photobucket so can't update my story and I can only access bet365 about 5% of the time which means I can't do vBookie.

It isn't a browser issue as it happens to me on Firefox and IE. I really don't have any idea's I tried wiping my cookie's and cache(?) as advised on the photobucket FAQ's but it didn't work.

I really need your help :help

Cheers :cheers
From the looks of it, it could be a problem with your ISP, or could be a spyware in your computer.

Try contacting your ISP and complain about the problem. They might be able to guide you further.
The ISP is all good, which makes me think it is probably spyware. How do I get rid of it? I have Norton and thought it would have dealt with things like this :mad
Cheers, I'm downloading it now. I'll get back to you on how it goes :D

In fact I might even give you a rep, which is like gold dust from someone like me :p It should be worth 100 points :p
Lol.. Get one of the mods to make it 100 points :p Nah.. just kidding..

are you downloading it on your Laptop, or on some other computer?
I need your help again. I think there is something that the Spybot isn't picking up. Sometimes I have to scan the computer again due to the problem occuring and it is always this that comes up


I click fix it but it just keeps on coming back. What should I do?
Edit: Chris Gayle
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Cheers Abhas, as Rob pointed out your a genius :D

Highlander999 added 23 Minutes and 55 Seconds later...

Oh man this is a p*** take. It is halfway through the scan and already has found 60 infections :rolleyes:
Abhas, how are you such a genius? You have a solution to every problem :p.

This thread reminded me, I havn't done a virus or spyware scan in months! :eek: My computer is going to be full of them probably haha.

I don't know if there's much point starting a new thread about this so I will post it here:
My computer has started making a loud noise when it's doing something which requires a lot of RAM, like when I have a game, MSN, Xfire and Firefox all open at the same time, it happens on and off about every 5 mins, but when I quit the game it stops. I'm not sure whether it's a hardware fault or to do with software, because it has only started happening recently.

I'm going out today, so tomorrow I will try to sort my computer out - I will do a defrag, spyware scan and virus scan.

I think it could be a faulty RAM. What noise is it ?? Is it the fan spinning hard?
Could be overheating. I recommend, opening the cabinet and cleaning the system of dust. Certainly a thing to do, and won't harm your computer in any way.

You can check your RAM by downloading a free utility called memtest86
Link : http://www.memtest.org/#downiso
Burn the ISO to a blank CD, and boot with it. Then allow the test to run overnight, and check if there are any problems detected.

Cheers Abhas, as Rob pointed out your a genius :D

Highlander999 added 23 Minutes and 55 Seconds later...

Oh man this is a p*** take. It is halfway through the scan and already has found 60 infections :rolleyes:

Don't get worried about the number of infections. Most of them are cookies that are found in your computer.
Do let me know whether the infection has been fixed or not.

Abhas added 5 Minutes and 24 Seconds later...

Cheers for the comments guys :) Really obliged.
Abhas is really a genius of software problems. :) :p

Kshitiz_Indian added 1 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

Madman, yours could be a severe cpu heating up issue, because RAM's don't have fans, CPU's do, and when they get hot they spin like mad. You might need to clean up the processor's fan for starters. Else, open the cabinet and try and point out which is the exact component making noise! :)
Edit: Chris Gayle
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